He stormed over to her and set her tray aside before carefully hugging her. “I’m a dumb rockhead. You have to explain stuff to me better then. I didn’t tell anyone, and Tamsin just outed us to my whole family and Vogels.”
Onas blinked between them. “I knew she was seeing someone but—”
Shael and I both made the motion for him to shut up and cut it off. Luckily, he did.
“How much do the gods really see or plan for?” I whispered as I watched them.
“What do you mean, shorty?” Hudson asked as he moved his arm around me.
I gestured between them. “She can fly again. Yeah, it won’t be the same but—” I smiled up at him. “Riding on River when I love you is better than flying on my own, beastie. She can still fly. She’ll still have magic to catch herself. She—maybe she can glide a bit and he can catch her like you do me. She won’t lose it all.”
I realized all eyes were on me when I was done… Including Stefanie and Colton. I felt like a complete asshole, but luckily Hudson hugged me closer and gave me a soft kiss.
“Yeah, I feel the same, Tams. It’s always better together even when you couldn’t lift off or land on your own.” He wasn’t looking at me when he talked but over at them.
So I hadn’t fucked up.
“You can always ride me,” Colton said hesitantly. “It—we weren’t there, or it seemed odd to offer when you have your own wings.”
Luckily, Taeral had more tact than Colton and I and made a comment that it was a great idea but turned the conversation back to healing now. I watched as Colton fussed all over Stefanie, and I spoke to one of the staff on getting something better and bigger for them set up. There was no way both of them were fitting on a normal hospital cot.
And if there was ever a time she needed to be comforted, it was right then.
We didn’t have anything in the castle that really worked, so after a bit of discussion, we ended up getting one of those adjustable beds. But a king-sized one that you could adjust differently for either person. That would be best and help for having her wings out.
Right after we got it all set up, Shael pulled me off to the side with Onas and a couple dark fairy commanders. “Why is Trigger Rothchild asking if we’re filing a formal complaint against his family?”
I blinked at her a moment and then sighed. “When I—Colton grabbed me and shook me when I mentioned Stefanie. He did it in front of both extended families, so I’m sure Trigger is just—they don’t want to risk insulting us again.” I snorted. “I’m more worried that Colton told his king and queen to shut up and demanded answers from me.”
“Mother and Father won’t care,” Hudson said quietly. “They’ll give him some minor punishment just for appearances and so people don’t talk.”
I heard his advice and winked at him. “Tell Trigger given our friendship with their family it’s something easily overlooked as long as Colton is placed on a couple weeks leave or whatever.” I nodded my head towards where he was helping Stefanie into the new bed.
Shael smiled. “Yes, I think that best for appearances. I’m sure the Vogels will ask for the same.”
“I told them that this wasn’t public yet and—yeah, they know how to keep things quiet. I shouldn’t have told you all yet.”
“You haven’t even slept yet, Your Highness,” one of the other commanders forgave. “And this is the closest you’ve come to truly losing someone under you. We’re all worried about you.”
I blinked at him and gave the best smile I could. “I’ve already experienced that, mate. Not a fairy, but—I know that loss.” I nodded when they seemed hesitant. “She killed herself and I found her. Her life blew apart trying to stop what was going on and… I know that loss. It wasn’t just her. She was just the one I blamed myself for even if I was a kid.”
He reached over and awkwardly patted me on the shoulder before heading towards the food. I guess it was something because that man originally loathed me.
I went over to Stefanie and checked she was okay, asking if there was anything she needed. “One of the captains still has my credit card for any cravings or whatever you need.”
“Cousin, this wasn’t your fault,” Colton said gently. “This is what we sign up for. We all drop our guard, and most close to you know you immediately go fuel up after waking fairies.”
“And too many knew you take off all your other magic,” Hudson grumbled, his arms crossed over his chest. “Lucca and I brought that up a few times that people needed to stop being such gossips. Fairies keep everything to fairies well, but the circle around you needs to be closed tighter.”
I nodded but gave him a look that this wasn’t the time. He looked like he didn’t want to back off though. “I’m okay, beastie. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking about my almost being hurt when I blurted out what happened.”
I hit the nail on the head as tears filled his eyes.
“It’s all the fucking time, shorty. You’ve had more attacks and attempts on you in the handful of years I’ve known you than all of the years I’ve been alive against my parents.”
“I know, but we’re also taking out threats and I will this one.” I shut my mouth fast and gave Colton a worried look.
He let out a slow breath. “You’ll get my mate her pound of flesh and justice. You don’t have to worry about me or my dragon. I promise.”