“Shorty, what happened?” he worried. “You don’t just teleport into the castle on a whim.”
I snorted. “Well, I do, but not intentionally always.” I scrubbed my hand over my head. “Sorry, I haven’t slept. I need Colton. I teleported here because he’s here.” I glanced around and found him, relief filling me. I knew it was him I needed to talk to, my gut telling me even. I hurried over to him. “In sword training, you talked about training with your left hand too.”
He studied me closely and nodded. “Yes, in case we’re injured. It can mean life and death.”
“Right, but you said it saved lives. You sounded like it was specific. Someone lost an arm in battle, right? I—how did they survive it? Are they okay now?” I realized how horrible it was for me to just demand answers like that and blurt this all out. “I’m sorry, I need—”
“It was my cousin and he handled it honorably,” Trigger told me as he moved closer. “He was—”
“Tams, did someone’s arm or wing get hurt?” Hudson cut in, paying attention and knowing me well. “You didn’t go cleanse, and Julian said there was an emergency in Faerie but you were fine.”
I nodded, tears filling my eyes. “Stefanie protected me but…” I remembered how many people were there. I gasped as someone grabbed me, blinking up at Colton.
“What happened to Stefanie?” he demanded, fear in his eyes. People started reacting to him touching me and acting like that, but he shoved Trigger away and shook me. “Tamsin, what happened to Stefanie?” He bellowed for people to shut up, not even caring he was talking to the royal family or his king.
“She’s your mate,” I breathed. “That’s why my gut said to find you. Not because—”
“Yes,” he choked out, everyone going quiet. “Please, tell me she’s alive.”
“She’s alive,” I rasped. “But they just confirmed she won’t ever fly again. We don’t know about her magic yet.” I nodded when he fell to his knees and let out a sob. I met Hudson’s shocked gaze and then looked around to see no one knew, not even his family. “Does Stefanie know?”
He nodded as he let me go and crumpled into himself. “We have been… Something, but she made it clear that—”
“She won’t consider something real while she’s in the Guardians?” I bit out, running my tongue over my teeth when he nodded. “These—” I swallowed the rest of what I was going to say given she’d just saved my ass.
But what I wanted to say was these fucking idiots took everything way too seriously. They needed to learn balance. I wasn’t less of a leader or focused on Faerie because I had a love life and mates.
Hell, they were hypocrites as they pushed me to mate and more.
Another fight for another day.
I glanced around and found Xavier’s gaze. “No one knows yet. Sorry, but we don’t… It’s complicated.”
“Hudson warned me about the situation. It was why your father came and strengthened the wards.” He nodded when I couldn’t hide my shock.
Of course, Lageos did.
“I need to see her,” Colton demanded, standing and taking my hand. “Please.”
“Of course, Cousin,” I whispered, squeezing his hand. “Sorry I interrupted.”
“Don’t even think on it,” Sasha forgave. “We will come visit her and check on her later if she’s up for it.”
I gave her a worried look. “I don’t know what she is.” I swallowed loudly and went to say goodbye to Hudson, but he gave me a look not to be silly, telling me to open a portal. “Thanks, beastie.”
We did the portal dance and I brought them right into the castle.
Stefanie was eating and being fussed over by Irma when we walked in. She swallowed loudly and met my gaze. “Of course, you figured it out.”
“I really didn’t. My gut just told me to find him, and I thought it was about—we might have to deal with me getting my dad’s ability.”
“I don’t understand,” Onas muttered.
“Are you ready to out this?” Shael asked instead.
Colton did a double take. “You told someone?”
Stefanie shot him a kind look that I’d only seen her give a handful of people. “Of course, you fool. I wasn’t embarrassed with you.”