Page 56 of Tempt Me

Siobhan sighs. “Sync, fix that while I talk to Hunter.”

“I will once I’m out of water.”

Siobhan frowns at him while he drops to the ground and wraps the crying girls in his arms. After he asks them several questions, the twins seem confused about why they are even crying.

“I’m so glad my sister will soon know the pleasure of her own little drama queen,” Siobhan whispers to me.

“I hope I have a daughter. Boys are weird to me.”

Siobhan snuggles up with me and whispers, “I wouldn’t mind a boy. The girls would be so good with a little brother. Or sister. Hmm, maybe I should get Sync to knock me up.”

“No,” I reply instantly. “You swore to never fuck him again.”

“How about if he jizzes in a cup like Aneta’s man did for her? No fucking would be necessary.”

“Give it six months and see if that’s something you still want.”

Siobhan smiles at me, knowing she said the same thing to me when I swore Tack wasn’t an option. Every few months, I’d wonder if I was making a mistake or if I should try dating someone else. She’d always swear I needed to wait six months before I chose.

“Unlike your reaction to my wonderful advice,” Siobhan says, knowing I never listened to her, “I will wait six months before I do anything that can’t be undone.”

“Good,” I reply and highlight a big roller who offered to buy me a car after he claimed I sprinkled him with good luck. “If you do decide you want another baby, maybe get sperm from someone who hasn’t broken your heart.”

“But I know we make pretty babies.”

“You’re beautiful. You’ll make a pretty baby with anyone. And other men haven’t stolen your smile.”

Siobhan glances at Sync still on the ground with the girls. They seem rattled about more than their misunderstanding. I suspect the twins want to remain with Siobhan at the farm rather than leave with their dad tomorrow. Sync listens to their complaints and notices Siobhan watching them.

“I’m winning this argument,” Siobhan whispers to me as she looks away from Sync. “The girls need to be here until things settle down.”

Sync and Siobhan don’t engage on the topic as we wait for the FBI to arrive. While the girls return to playing, I focus on highlighting the names of men I feel could be suspects. However, I don’t recognize half of them, mostly the ones sent over by Leon Kovak.

After arriving in a line of SUVs, the FBI agents remain professional throughout my interview. I sense they’re very aware of my mother’s wealth. They don’t give away what they’re thinking. I mention Matt Parker more than once since he showed interest in me so recently.

One of the agents evidently recognizes the name. Matt is a big deal in tech circles, having turned his nerdy skills into a fortune.

After the federal agents and my lawyers leave, I reach for Tack who stood behind me for the entire interview. His arms wrap around me, silencing the chaos in my head. The world stopped making sense yesterday on the street. In Tack’s arms, though, I can see my future clearly.


The farm is on edge. Carys could go into labor at any moment. The law has its gaze on the club. Hunter often looks lost. Indigo is in a terrible mood. Before dinner, Zoot shows up to yell at a few people before riding off. Deirdre and Kiera keep getting themselves wound up. Plus, the new foster boys—who behave erratically on a good day—feed off today’s weird energy and start trying to run off.

After everyone enjoys a buffet-style dinner at the farm’s communal dining hall, Aunt Fred insists the farm go quiet. No roughhousing or loud music. Extra security at the farm’s checkpoints. No one wandering alone after dark.

In the city, the clubhouse is closed. Our other businesses remain open, yet security is amped up and hours are cut back. As usual, Banta City puts on its most docile vibe possible while an army of feds prowl the streets.

After dinner, Hunter and I retire to my room. As we walk past Indigo on the porch with the dogs, Sleepy doesn’t follow me. He looks up at Indigo and then at me. I see the dog struggling with who to obey.

Though Indigo doesn’t signal for the dog to remain with him, he exudes a depressed demeanor. Sleepy decides to stick with the sad man rather than follow me. I’d be more irritated if I were on my own. Of course, if Hunter wasn’t at my side, I’d stick close to Indigo.

In my bedroom, Hunter organizes her suitcases as if they’re dressers. I sit on my bed and admire how she’s preparing to stay with me long term. Something big shifted between us today.

That’s why I didn’t trust Noble with Hunter. It’s also the reason I get tense whenever she speaks to Suzanne on the phone. As our relationship finally comes together, I’m terrified someone will come along and ruin it.

I remember how I was when I arrived at the farm. I was certain these people were shady. There were so many tatted men, riding motorcycles and roughhousing. In the midst of all the chaos was sweet as sugar Aunt Fred.

Nope. Didn’t buy into it at all. I knew the people at the farm would screw me over. I was just as certain the other foster boys would sabotage me. Aunt Fred would show her true colors and be a bigger bitch than even my real mom. Elvis would prove he wasn’t as fun as he pretended to be. It was all a con!