Page 57 of Tempt Me

Of course, I was wrong. I recall when I finally caught onto how I was safe here. I’d been following Bear all day, doing chores before sitting down to finish my history assignment. As usual, I had fucked about until the last minute with my schoolwork.

My foster brothers—even hyper Golden—sat down with me at a picnic table and helped me mold my terrible essay into something decent. During our work, Aunt Fred walked over and offered us drinks. She stroked each of our heads before letting us get back to work.

That was the first time I didn’t flinch when she touched me. In that moment, I realized how I no longer wanted to run. Thanks to the farm, “home” stopped being a negative thing to me.

I changed for the better after that day. I’m not sure I’ve hit that aha moment with Hunter yet. A week ago, I wasn’t sure if she would ever give me a shot. The last few days felt like we were walking on the edge.

I need more quiet moments and every day experiences for me to settle in and trust this relationship. That’s how I roll. Big events don’t cement my feelings. I didn’t trust the farm when they celebrated my birthday with a party. No, it was the boring stuff like cleaning the barn with my foster brothers, running laps with Elvis, and helping Aunt Fred in the kitchen.

Hunter cuddles next to me on the bed and takes the remote. “Before we watch a movie, can I ask you a question?”

I tense, assuming she’s about to test me on something. Hunter’s blue-eyed gaze is filled with concern.

Once I nod, she asks, “Is Indigo always so depressed?”

Relieved to know her concern is focused on someone else, I mumble, “The thing on the road fucked with him.” When guilt fills Hunter’s eyes, I change gears and add, “There’s another reason he’s so agitated right now. But I don’t know if I can share the details with you.”

“Why not?”

“You’re a terrible gossip.”

Hunter scowls at me. With anyone else, I could hold strong and wear a hard expression. But her irritation makes her nose bunch up in a sexy way, breaking my resolve. I lean over and cover her lips with mine until her scowl transforms into a happy glow.

“The stuff I want to tell you can’t end up in Siobhan’s ear,” I say and kiss her throat.

Hunter gently pushes me away. “Is this a real thing or are you teasing me?”

“If I share my theory, do you swear not to tell anyone?”

“I’m very good at keeping secrets. I never told anyone you were stalking me. They had to figure that out on their own.”

Her words cut at my ego. “I know stalking is wrong,” I mutter. “I’m not like the guy who did this shit to you.”

Hunter drops her smile immediately and moves closer. “Of course, you aren’t. You saved me, Tack.”

The tears filling her eyes instantly act as a kick in the balls. My ego is so damn sensitive sometimes. I need constant reassurance, but Hunter’s hurting right now. I ought to put my shit on the backburner like she does for me.

Hugging her, I stroke her hair and let us soothe each other. “I love you,” I say as she looks up at me. “I want to be your husband and make a baby with you. That’s why I get bothered by the idea of being like the asshole who sent mercenaries after you.”

“I didn’t realize you were sensitive like this,” she says, and I frown. “You’ve hidden so much from me. But that’s okay. We’re giving this thing between us a real shot. I plan to pull back all your layers and see the parts you’ve kept from me. Get ready to be dissected, Tack O’Malley.”

I smirk at her warning. “I don’t feel like I hide anything.”

“It’s not a calculated thing. When you fear a bad outcome, you protect yourself by avoiding the subject. Now, tell me what’s wrong with Indigo.”

Hesitating, I know Hunter and Siobhan talk about everything. Indigo doesn’t need Siobhan knowing he might have a crush on her. What if I’m wrong? Hell, what if I’m right?

Despite my worries, I fess up. “I think Indigo is hung up on Siobhan.”

Rather than gasp dramatically, Hunter asks, “Why only think? Haven’t you asked him?”

“No, that’s not how Indigo works.”

Hunter frowns. “I don’t get it.”

“Yeah, because your friends aren’t fucked in the head. But Indigo might not even know what he feels, let alone how to admit it.”

“But you could still ask him.”