Page 55 of Tempt Me

“I don’t want you fondling my woman.”

I peek around Tack’s arm to find he’s completely serious. Noble tries not to laugh in the younger man’s face.

“I’m your foster uncle. That basically makes me Hunter’s foster uncle-in-law, so just chill out, will ya?”

Tack glances at where my cheek is pressed against his arm. He considers Noble’s words and nods.

“Fine. I’ll allow this.”

“Dumbass,” Noble mutters and focuses on me. “A lot of men have made moves on you. But before we hand the list over to the feds, I’d like you to highlight the big spenders so the law can focus on them first.”

Nodding, I take the highlighter Noble hands me. Tack and I walk toward the main farmhouse’s front porch where Siobhan sits with Sync. Deirdre and Kiera look adorable in their matching denim shorts and flowery yellow shirts. The girls sit in the grass and squirt each other with water pistols.

As I join Siobhan on the front swing and Sync walks over to Tack, Indigo exits the house. He looks over everyone, twists his face into a scary expression, and stalks off. Sleepy and Grumpy run after him while Sync scratches his jaw and shrugs.

“Tack is getting on people’s nerves again,” Sync announces. “Girls, tell your uncle to stop hassling your other uncle.”

Kiera frowns. “Who?”

“What?” Deirdre asks, looking around.

Sync leans down to stroke their long brown ponytails. “Tack is making Indigo sad.”

“No, it’s you, man,” Tack insists. “It’s always you.”

“I’m not doing anything. You were ready to tackle Noble. We all saw your caveman shit.”

Siobhan shakes her head at the men’s pointless bickering and asks about the papers in my hand. “What’s this about?”

As I explain the plan, Tack and Sync stand next to the girls and argue over who pissed off Indigo.

“Are you staying at the farm again tonight?” I ask her while highlighting Matt Parker who invited me to Monto Carlo.

“Yes, I can’t risk leaving the farm when Carys looks ready to pop at any minute.”

“Pop!” Deirdre yells and squirts her twin.

“Ka-bloom!” Kiera cries and shoots her sister.

“Here, give me that, baby,” Sync says and gently tugs the pistol from Kiera’s grip. “I need to shoot your uncle.”

Deirdre immediately hands hers over to Tack.

Tack tells Sync, “I’d rather shove your head in the mud.”

“You’ve got to stay clean for the feds,” Sync replies and squirts him.

Siobhan watches the men point the pistols an inch from each other’s faces and squeeze rapidly. Rolling her eyes, she turns to me.

“Anyway, Sync and the girls are staying one more night before heading back to his place.”

“We live here now,” Kiera announces and looks at her twin. “Right?”

“Yes. I’ll miss you,” Deirdre says and hugs her sister.

Kiera instantly starts crying. “I want to go with you!”

Deirdre sees her sister’s tears and squeals in horror. “Don’t go!”