Page 82 of Falcon

“Because I recognized your vests. When I asked why I couldn’t retrieve my goods, I was reminded there was an alliance and that they would address it and told not to ask again. So, imagine my surprise when I was told to deal with her.”

There it was. We had a traitor. And it was confirmed by the man who hurt my woman. Killing him was going to be even better than I expected. “Who are you working for? Where are they?” I asked as I pressed the blade harder to his throat. I wasn’t thinking straight. Now steering clear of a woman made sense. But it was too late. Trying to get my shit together, I asked, “How do you contact them?”

“I don’t. It’s a shadow organization. They found me. They contact me. I don’t care if you believe me or not, but this house is new. Courtesy of them. I was running my shit just fine on my own, but they wanted to expand. They wanted my shipping connections, I suppose.” He opened his eyes a bit more and turned his head slightly, looking around as much as he could. “It was nice digs while it lasted.” He turned back toward me. “You should know, their resources are limitless. I couldn’t say no. You won’t find them. And even if you do, you won’t beat them. Just a bunch of thugs against a billion-dollar organization.”

I glanced over at Eagle and he gave me a nod. Looking back down, I gripped his face with one hand, still holding the blade to his throat with the other. “You should have just acted like you couldn’t find her. Because now you’re dead. It’s time to meet your destiny.”

Climbing up his chest so I could pin his arms with my knees, I pushed his chin up and slowly slid the blade across his throat. I held him like that as the blood gurgled out from the gash and his body shook as it went into shock.

When the last bit of blood spurted from the wound, I stood and took a deep breath. I should have been relieved and happy; Daisy’s tormentor was dead by my hand. But what he said only left more rage and questions.

Eagle, Rooster, and I shared a look of disgust at what he said. We had our suspicions and now we knew for sure. “I need to clean up before we head out.”

Eagle said, “I’ll text Hawk. We need to get the ladies and get the fuck home.”

Pitty grabbed the clips on the bed and the extra gun. “Y’all got some fucked up shit, man.”

“Seems that way,” I said as I walked toward the bathroom door. Before I could take another step, a shot rang out and I felt a pinch in my shoulder. I pulled the pistol from my waistband but didn’t see anyone. “What the?”

“Falcon, get down!” Eagle shouted and I dropped to the floor.

I heard a few shots and glass shattering before someone rolled me to my back. Pitty rushed past me saying, “What the fuck?”

“Hang in there, brother,” Eagle said as he leaned over me.

I put my hand over my chest and looked down at the blood. At that moment I wasn’t sure how bad it was, but we weren’t near the clubhouse, couldn’t go to a hospital, and even if I could stand up, I wasn’t sure I could ride like this. I didn’t go through all this to let something happen to her. Romano was gone, but whoever the fuck ordered him to take her was there hiding amongst our club members. What if I didn’t get back to keep her safe? “Don’t let anything happen to her.”

Eagle gently smacked my cheek. “I ain’t gonna do shit. She’s your problem. Now just hang on. Keep your eyes open, fucker.”

Chapter 49


We stayed in the common room most of the day. I didn’t know these guys. They wore cuts almost identical to ours, but they were still strangers. One of the men who helped rescue me went with Falcon, but two others stayed behind. They weren’t very chatty, but the President here had checked in on us several times.

“What do you think’s taking so long?” I asked as I looked down at my phone. We had both gone back to the bunny bunks after the guys left to get a little more sleep. Lacy rode with Eagle in a cage but it was still early as hell. The guys had left before dawn and Falcon said they’d be back tonight.

She lifted her head from my shoulder. “I’m sure they’re fine. It’s a long ride there. Like eight hours or something.”

“Y’all wanna come eat?” the brunette bunny from last night asked as she popped her head in the room. “These guys won’t bite. Promise.”

Almost on cue, my stomach rumbled. “Yeah. Couldn’t hurt.”

We stood up and the other bunnies who had been sitting around with us got up, too. We followed them outside and it seemed a lot like home–picnic tables, burn barrels and fire pits, horseshoes, lots of coolers and a couple of kegs, and food. Lacy and I held hands as we walked to the table with plates and utensils.

We both grabbed a hot dog, some chips, and I got extra pickles before we went to find a table. We found a seat by one with a cooler sitting next to it and grabbed a couple of sodas out. I didn’t feel like partying and, while everyone seemed nice, I didn’t want to be tipsy in an unfamiliar place without Falcon around.

A couple of ladies plopped down at the same table and smiled. The red haired one from last night asked, “So, like, did he really jump from a moving truck to that van you were in?”

I nearly choked on my hot dog. “He what?” In hindsight, I guess I knew he climbed in because I heard him barking orders at them while we were still moving, but I was gagged, bound, and blindfolded so it never clicked how it all played out. All that computed was that he came for me.

“That’s what I heard Tiny telling them guys over there. The whole thing sounded like something out of a fucking movie!” the brunette said.

Lacy smacked my thigh. “Girl, I knew the first time I saw him look at you. Obsessed!” She looked around the table and proceeded to tell them the story about how they whisked us away from Tony. “It was wild!”

You could practically see the hearts in their eyes. All I could do was eat my hot dog in the hopes they couldn’t see my silly grin. It had been wild. And he may have been obsessed from that moment, but I was, too. I’d wanted him to be my biker, and now he was. And realizing that he jumped between moving vehicles for me? Well, if I still had doubts, that probably would have squashed them.

He already told me he loved me, though. He spoke, but not often. When he did, it was always well thought out and perfectly executed. So, I knew what he said was true. He’s mine.