Before I got too giddy, I needed to change the subject. “Well, she got to ride with Eagle more than once,” I said as I looked at Lacy.
All the girls leaned in. “He’s so dreamy! Do you think you’ll be his old lady soon?”
Lacy shrugged. Her demeanor seemed to dampen but she forced a smile. “Who knows. I don’t know if I can handle being an old lady. What about you all?”
The other women chattered about how lucky we were, and they’d give anything to be an old lady, then plowed us with questions like did all the guys from our chapter look like our guys? How many old ladies were there in Atlanta? Did we know Mama Hen? Was she really as cool as everyone said? Eventually, the ladies began to finish their food and were quick to go find a guy to hang onto for the evening. It wasn’t a party, just dinner time at a clubhouse, a lot like back home.
I sat with Lacy and waited for everyone to clear out. The sun was going down and torches were being lit around the yard. Lacy leaned against me, so I put my arm around her. “Kinda like home, right?”
“Yeah. Still no word?” she asked.
I pulled my phone out and shook my head. “Nope. Did you get a phone yet?”
“No. I need to stop fucking around and find work. It sucks not having money.”
This was my chance. We’d talked briefly about it, but I wanted details on her relationship. It wasn’t being nosy if it’s your friend, right? “Does Eagle not take care of you?”
Lacy let out a heavy sigh. “He does. But I don’t think he’s planning to give me a cut.”
“I don’t–”
She grabbed my hand. “It’s okay. It’s not like I was looking for love. I’m glad to be away from Tony and I love the clubhouse. And Eagle’s great. He’s never been mean or rough with me. But he’s never been like Falcon is with you. So, for now, it’s fine, but I’m not counting on forever. Most of the guys in this life don’t settle at all, or they settle fast.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m glad you came up with him. Whatever you decide, I’ll support you. But I hope you’ll stick around. At least as much as Jeannie, even if you don’t stay. But I think you’re wrong about him.” Lacy was no longer the only friend I felt like I had, but she was the closest one, and the first one I trusted. The first one I wanted to take care of. I found a way to get us both out and was just as happy to have her as I was to get her safe. She could have already left if she really wanted to, but she stayed. If she didn’t feel close to Eagle, I could only assume she stayed for me. I was sad that she didn’t have what I had, but glad she stuck by me.
“We may not be in love, but he’s still not bad to hold onto for a long ride,” she said as she bumped her shoulder into my side.
“I enjoy riding as much as the next girl, but I’d die happy if I never had to take another twelve-hour ride on a Harley. My pussy wasn’t right for days.”
We both giggled and I pulled her closer as we sat and watched everyone enjoying a normal evening.
After the crowd started to thin, Lacy and I headed back inside. The President, Knox, found us. He kind of reminded me of Hawk, but his hair was more brown than black. It was a similar cut, short on the sides with a little on top; he took care to style it a bit.
“Daisy, I just spoke to Hawk.” His face was serious.
Lacy squeezed my hand. “Did something happen?”
Thank God she asked because I was frozen. A million thoughts raced in my mind. Why would he seek me out if nothing bad happened? And why did he look like that?
“The mission hit a snag. Falcon was hit.”
My vision started spinning like I’d had too much to drink even though I was sober. My chest tightened and my chin trembled.
Lacy walked me to the couch that she had been sleeping on this morning before the guys left. “Sit and breathe, Daisy.” She sat next to me and wrapped her arm around me, holding me close. “How bad is it?”
Lacy was normally timid and quiet, but I appreciated her speaking on my behalf because if I opened my mouth, the flood gates would open and I didn’t want to have a breakdown in the middle of this room where strangers surrounded me, drinking and getting blow jobs.
“I think he’s okay. But Hawk still thought it best to let you know something happened before you heard it elsewhere.”
Lacy gave me a little shake. “See, it’s okay. He’ll be okay. Why do men suck so bad at giving news? You could have led with that.”
I couldn’t help my laugh, but when I did, the tears I was trying to hold back followed. She wrapped me up as I covered my face. “Goddammit, I’ve never cried as much as I have in the couple of months I’ve known this man.” Once I at least got my breathing back under control, I wiped my cheeks and looked up at Knox. “I need to get there.”
His eyebrows shot up. “I can’t promise that. I’ll check with Hawk, but he’s not at another chapter.”
There’s no way they’d be at a hospital. Even though I would only ever get half-truths, I knew unless they were found unconscious, they wouldn’t be visiting a public place for something like that due to the nature of their visit. “Do you know where he is?”
“I’ll reach out to Hawk. Why don’t you try to get some sleep and I’ll see what can be arranged.”