His nostrils flared and his breathing became heavy. “Why would I tell you shit if you’re gonna kill me? Just do it then, trash.”
I walked over and threw a hard blow to his jaw. He tried to punch me back, but I grabbed his fist with one hand and his throat with the other. I sent him flying into the wall. Still holding on tight, I slammed his head against it several times as he pulled at my wrist.
“Look for a phone,” I told Pitty as I lifted Romano off the floor by his throat.
He grabbed at my wrists and kicked as I held him in place. A purple vein grew bigger and bigger in his forehead and pinprick bruises appeared below his eyes. I stared into his shit brown eyes as they bulged from his head. Normally, I’d be less connected to the moment. But this was different. This was for Daisy. This garbage hurt her in so many ways, then tried to take her from me. Watching him squirm in my grasp, his gaze going from anger to sheer terror, sent warmth to my chest. My only wish was that I could drag it out for months like he did to her.
“Got a cell but no outbound calls,” Pitty said.
Knowing he was seconds from passing out, I dropped Romano to the floor. “What kind of shit you got here? You didn’t call the cops for a reason.”
He sat up against the wall, wheezing and holding his throat. The vein was still bulging in his forehead, but his face wasn’t as red. “I know you know who I am. So stop with the theatrics and just fucking do it!” Romano tried to yell. His voice was already raspy from the short time I had him by the throat.
I leaned over and tried to grab his shirt to pick him up, but the fabric ripped, and he used that as an opportunity to try to punch me in the nuts. He mostly got my leg but managed to graze them, so I clenched my jaw and nailed him in the temple, then twice more on the jaw.
He fell to the floor as I stood up and adjusted my junk. “Fucking little bitch. What kinda man punches a dude in the dick?”
The sharp pain spread through my groin and into my lower abdomen, so I took a few deep breaths. Once it started to dissipate, I walked back to him and kicked him in the head, enough to ring his bell but not kill him. My boot then connected with his gut twice and he wheezed and coughed as he wrapped his arms around his own waist.
“What were you planning to do with her?” I asked as I watched him writhe on the floor.
He coughed a few more times then answered with a strained voice. “Oh, so you’re the one who’s been fucking her?” I kicked him another couple of times and he laughed maniacally. “I should have known that crew would fuck it up.”
“Why’d you go after her?”
He pushed himself up, huffing and puffing. He wiped his hand over his face and looked down at the blood on his palm. “I don’t give a fuck about her. I was just doing as I was told.”
“Told? Who told you to find her? She said you’re the one in charge.”
He grinned, blood staining his teeth. “To her, I was. But just like you, I answer to someone, too.” He spat some blood onto the floor. “Not that I didn’t plan to use her once more before she was passed off.”
The thought of him touching her before had already sealed his destiny, but him thinking he’d touch her again sent me into a blind rage. He had snapped my control. I threw blow after blow until he fell to the ground. I straddled him, gripping his head and slamming it over and over onto the Persian rug that covered the marble floor. I wanted to kill him, right then and there.
“Falcon, we need him to talk!” Eagle yelled from the doorway.
Still holding his bloody head, I looked down as the fury in my veins sent a tremble to my hands. “Talk you piece of shit! Who told you to get her?”
Romano’s eyes slowly blinked. “Fuck…you.”
A strong backhand connected to his face.
Romano’s eyes rolled back, but he was still breathing. I grabbed my knife and put it to his neck. “Tell me who and I’ll make it quick,” I said through gritted teeth.
He was barely hanging on, but he smacked his lips. “I can’t even tell you who I work for because I don’t really know. But I do know that one of your friends works for them, too. And he wanted her gone.”
My brow furrowed. “What friend?”
“Oh, I know all about you guys. We had video of you tearing up my club. Noticed the Atlanta on your cute little vests, so I asked my connections down there what the fuck was up. I was told really fast to stay away.”
I glanced over at Eagle. His eyes were wide and Rooster tensed up. Looking back down at Romano I asked, “Then why did you take Daisy if they told you to back off?”
He sucked in a ragged breath. “A few weeks back, I got a call. Still stay the fuck away from Atlanta and you people but find her if I could. Not a big job, but a favor to someone. Apparently, one of your pals has a vendetta against you. That’s why I hired some losers. Should have sent my guys.”
“Me?” What the fuck? Someone went after Daisy to hurt me? “How do you know?”
“Because I asked about the other whore, and she wasn’t a priority. Since you seem to have taken a liking to Daisy, I can only guess the issue is with you.” He coughed a few more times. “I get it, though. She has a sweet little pussy.”
I grabbed his head and slammed it down again. “How do you know it was one of us?”