“Smile, you are happy that you are to join with me,” Brother Asher whispers in my ear. I force a small smile onto my face. “That’s better,” he adds, his hand gripping my arm tightly. A gentle reminder that I am his.
We eat and my cheeks hurt from the forced smile I am being made to put on. Brother Asher leans in and whispers, “You know how a union is performed?”
I shake my head; I was never allowed to go to any unions. I begged my father, but he always refused.
Asher smiles. “Well, some sisters will prepare you. They bring you to this very hall, and Father Isiah will perform a ceremony. Behind him is a bed.” He stops and his smile widens as I pale at what I know he is about to say. “He prays with the other brothers around the bed as we join. It’s a beautiful ceremony.” I feel my food rise up in my throat. “There will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. All shall see the moment I officially make you mine.”
Chapter Twenty-One
I stand in the parking lot of the hospital, leaning against the wall, wondering where the fuck did I go wrong? First Wes, now Khan. I am failing my brothers, failing to lead them.
“Thought you’d given up?” I hear a familiar voice say.
I look up. “Well, fuck me, look what the dog dug up.” I laugh, flicking my cigarette away, pulling Rubble in and slapping him on the back. “Damn good to see you, brother.”
“Yeah, you too.” He stands next to me, pulling out a packet of cigarettes and then offers me one. I raise my eyebrow.
“Since when have you fucking smoked?” I ask. He laughs, lighting it and taking a pull.
“Since I went to run the other chapter. Man, those fuckers stress me out. I'm telling you now, I'm not going back, I told them, and they agreed to the vote. So, I'm back, if you’ll fucking have me? And if you don’t then I will go fucking nomad.” He smiles.
“Brother, you know you're always welcome back here, we will have to vote you in, but I won’t let you go fucking nomad. They that bad, huh?” I ask.
“Yeah, whiny little bitches.” He huffs.
I look to him. “Shit is bad, brother.” His eyes land on mine.
“I fucking guessed when I got the call about Khan,” he states.
“I swear, it’s never-ending, every fucked-up asshole seems to be connected to an even bigger fucked-up asshole.” I sigh, sliding down and sitting on the ground. Rubble sits next to me.
“We will get through it, we’re the Satan’s fucking Outlaws, remember? There ain’t nothing we can’t fight,” he tries to reassure, and I turn to look at him.
“I’m losing faith in those words; we can’t lose another brother. I don’t know if the club could take it, I don’t fuckin’ know if I could take it,” I point out.
He stands and flicks his cigarette to the ground, holding his hand out to me. I grab it and he hauls me to my feet. “Pres, we ain’t going to lose anymore fucking brothers, now stop being a fucking pussy and be the President we know you are. Stop being a whiny little bitch. I have had enough of that shit.” He smirks.
I give him a glare. “Don’t ever call me a whiny little bitch or I will cut your damn throat.”
Rubble throws his head back and laughs. “There he is, the Pres I know and fucking love.”
“So, I have to ask, what are your plans with Serena?” He almost flinches at my question.
“Ain’t got no fucking plans with her, she is Wes’ woman, and that goes against our code,” he answers.
“Keep it that way. I'm not just speaking as President of the club, I am speaking as Wes’ brother. You keep the fuck away from her,” I growl.
“I said I wouldn’t fucking go there, so back the fuck off,” he snaps back.
I am about to chew him out and hand him his ass, but we’re interrupted when Rose comes running out of the hospital, heading straight for us. “What is it?”
“It’s Khan,” she pants, out of breath.
Chapter Twenty-Two