Page 35 of Sinful Secrets

Since the announcement to the community, I have been moved into a more plush and luxurious room. It has an actual bed and its own bathroom, not just a bucket in the corner. They have started delivering me proper food, rather than just the basic bread and water. Although this may have changed, I haven’t. I sit next to the window, staring out, watching the people work, watching the people go about their day, preparing for mine and Asher’s union, completely oblivious to what world they are living in.

The door opens and I immediately stand. Brother Asher walks in, followed by two women. “Talitha, you are looking beautiful today,” he greets, taking my hand in his. I don’t smile or give him a response. He squeezes my hand tight in warning. I quickly put on a fake smile and bow my head.

“Thank you, Asher,” I mutter quietly.

The two women move about, busy doing whatever they're doing. He leans in, his breath brushing against my cheek. “Remember your place, your role, and what is expected of you. I will see you tonight for our joining,” he promises before stepping back. “Sisters, please look after my darling Talitha, I want her perfect for our joining later tonight.” I shudder at his words.

“Of course, Brother Asher, she will be perfect for your special occasion.” One of the women beam excitedly like this is a beautiful love story.

He smiles at me before closing the door behind him. “Right, Sister Talitha, let’s get you ready. This is a very special day, and we must have you looking perfect for Brother Asher,” she gushes.

I just nod, not trusting the words that will come out of my mouth. I want to tell them everything, warn them, but I have learnt that they won’t listen to me. It will just end in me being punished.

I follow them to the bathroom where they bathe me and wash my hair, rose petals floating in the bath, scented oils massaged into my skin. They brush my hair and braid it, weaving flowers through it.

“Come, Sister Talitha, it is time to get dressed.” The older woman takes my hand, leading me to the centre of the room. Removing my robe, she holds out a stunning sheer lace gown. I run my hands over the delicate detailing. “It is beautiful.” She sighs.

“It is,” I agree. My only wish is that I would be wearing this for someone else, for an entirely different reason.

She helps me into it and stands me in front of the full-length mirror. The dress is completely see-through, no undergarments are to be warn. I cover myself. “Oh, sister, do not be concerned. It is tradition, it is what all of us wore for our joining. Although your gown is extra special as you are joining with Brother Asher. Your father must be extremely proud of this union.” She smiles.

I want to laugh at the thought of my father being proud of this union. Oh, he's happy that I am joining brother Asher, so he can remain in his high standing within the community. I close my eyes and smile, thinking of Khan, thinking of how he made me feel. A single tear escapes and I am quick to wipe it away. I won’t show any emotion. They may think they have me but they only have my body. I will never give them a piece of me, my soul died with Khan.

* * *

They walk me down to the hall, a sheer lace veil covering my face as we approach the entrance. There are Brothers standing either side, watching me, and I feel their eyes on my body.

As we enter, I see the bed with white voile curtains draped around it. Standing in front of it is Father Isiah, Asher and my father. My stomach sinks with each step I take.

Father Isiah greets me, his eyes alight at the sight of my body through the lace dress. “Sister Talitha, your beauty astounds me.” He smiles and I bow my head. He takes my hand, leading me to Asher and stopping at the foot of the bed, he hands me to Asher who takes my hand, leading me around the bed. Music plays through the speakers. Asher opens the voile for me to get on the bed. I do and I lay down. Asher stands at the foot of the bed and removes his robe, smiling, his eyes on mine.

“Brother Asher and Sister Talitha are to be joined together. They are joined by faith, by love, by us, but most of all, by God. In joining they become bound together for eternity. Sister Talitha shall support, serve and give herself to Brother Asher, as is God’s wish. Now we pray, we pray as they join, we pray as their souls are bonded,” Father Isiah announces to the crowd.

I swallow back my emotion and stare at the same spot of the voile curtain. I feel the bed shift as Asher climbs on it. He slowly lifts my lace dress up, bunching it up to my hips. I don’t move, I don’t look at him, I keep my focus. He forcefully pushes my legs apart, placing himself between them. I swallow anxiously as he positions himself, and he braces himself over me, blocking out the spot I was focusing on.

“I don’t think so, Talitha. I want your full attention. You look at me,” he orders. “Watch as I erase whatever that filthy low-life biker did. You will watch and feel me take and own every part of you. This is your life; this is what you're here for.” Feeling my blood boil with anger, no longer being able to keep my emotions in, my hand rears back and I slap him hard across the face. I don’t stop, everything pouring out of me along with the hatred I feel for him as I hit and kick him. Strong hands reach out, grabbing hold of me, pinning me back down to the bed. I writhe, trying to fight them off. Asher wipes his bleeding lip, his eyes dark with anger. He backhands me hard across the face. He leans back down between my legs, and I try to move but can’t.

“You may fight me, but it is pointless. I will still make you mine.” He wraps his hand around my throat tightly, squeezing, cutting off my airways. “This is what I can do to you, remember? You're mine, Talitha,” he growls before I black out.

* * *

I wake up back in the nice room. I am surprised to be in here. I was expecting to wake up back in the cell. I move my legs and immediately feel the pain. I close my eyes and fight back the tears, needing to feel the comfort of a bath. I go to get up, but its then I notice I am handcuffed to the bed.

“I wondered how long it would take you to come around,” Asher says. I look across the room and see him sat there in the chair, watching me. “You still seem under the impression that you have a choice, that you can defy me in such a way, especially on our joining,” he states, standing, and my eyes follow him. “Again you underestimated me. I thought you might have that last little bit of defiance in you, nothing like a bit of chloroform on a piece of cloth to help matters. Now it is customary for you to serve for the rest of the night, but I'm nothing but kind. You need to heal; I got a little carried away with you, so I shall let one of the sisters see to my needs tonight.” He smiles kindly like he's a caring husband.

“So you're going to leave me cuffed here all night?” I ask.

He leans over me, bracing his hands either side of my head. “Well, I could, but then I want you ready for me tomorrow, and well, as much as I relish in the fact you have my markings on you, you need to be cleaned and ready to be tested.”

“Tested?” I frown in confusion.

“Yes, tested. If you are to carry my children, I want to make sure it’s safe for me, especially after that disgusting biker has been there. So, I am going to free you of your handcuffs, and you are to clean and dress in the clothes provided. Then our good doctor will be in to take your bloods,” he says, leaning down to kiss me. I turn my head away and he laughs. “Always so defiant. In the very least, I shall have fun breaking you in,” he states, unlocking the handcuffs before turning and leaving me led there. I hear the lock on the door, and I breathe a sigh of relief that he's gone.

I carefully stand and walk to the bathroom to see there is already a bath ran for me. I remove my dress and climb in, hissing in pain as I lower myself down.

“Salt bath,” I grit between my teeth. I should have guessed. I look down at my still-red marks across my stomach from my lashings and run my finger along them. They don’t hurt anymore; they just look hideous. I notice the finger marks at the top of my thighs and swallow back the bile that rises in my throat, refusing to think about it. I am thankful that surge of anger hit me and he had to use chloroform, at least this way I can’t remember any of it.

Laying in the bath, I hear the locks on the door and I tense. “Sister Talitha, the doctor is here to see you,” a woman’s voice calls out. I sigh, relieved.