I haven’t left my room in days, and I haven’t seen anyone. They open the door and slide my food across the floor. There’s a small window, and I look out of it for hours, watching the people of the community work, farming on the land. I want to scream at them to run, to escape, but I can’t, and even if I could, what would be the point? No one here will listen to me.
I want to pray, I want to pray that Khan is alive, I want to pray that I will be with him again, but I have no one to pray to. I have only myself to rely on. One thing I have learnt is that there is no bigger power who will save you or the person you love. We can only save ourselves.
The door opens and in walks Brother Asher. My skin prickles at the sight of him. They say the Satan’s are evil, that the devil resides in them, but I believe Brother Asher has the darkest evil running thorough his veins.
“Talitha, come with me,” he orders and I shake my head.
“No,” I snap back. His body jolts at my defiance. I have nothing to lose, I have lost everything.
He walks towards me, and I try to swallow my fear. Standing slowly, I try to hide the pain from my wounds. He brings his face down towards me, his cheek brushing mine.
“I will not tolerate any defiance, Talitha, you are mine now. You shall do as I ask; you shall behave in my presence,” he states quietly, coldly, as his hand slowly wraps around my throat. He doesn’t squeeze, he doesn’t have to, the warning is there. “We are to be wed in five days. I expect in that time for you to prepare, for you to show our people you are honoured to be with me,” he orders, running his nose along my neck, breathing me in. I swallow the bile rising in my throat.
“Why me?” I ask.
He leans back and smiles. “I have always wanted you; you were always to be mine. I know you know what our community is.” He pauses and I try to push aside the disappointment that my own father told them of our conversation. “Have you ever wondered why you are still here? Why you haven’t been sent to be sold?” he asks, leaning back, smiling.
“I… Because of my father.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Your father has no power, I declared you were mine when you were fourteen. That is what kept you here, kept you protected, not your pathetic father,” he sneers. “You were to be mine and only mine, but then they got you. They took what belongs to me. You have been touched, you have been defiled,” he growls in disgust.
I smile, loving that I took that from him, loving that Khan got that from me and not him. “I have, and it was glorious,” I goad. His hand connects with my cheek, slapping me hard.
“Do not test me, Talitha. Father Isiah did not order the lashings, that was me. He did not believe that you had been defiled, but I knew. I knew by the way you looked at him, the way he looked at you. I am not a fool, nor will I be played like one. I am taking back what is mine and you will do it willingly. What else have you got to live for? He is dead, and soon, Father Isiah will die along with your father, then there is only me,” he taunts.
He turns to leave, stopping briefly. “Don’t go getting brave, Talitha, your dear friend Sapphira…” He pauses and my head snaps up at the mention of her. He smiles. “I thought that might get your attention. She was delightful, did everything I asked, but she was boring, and she just would not stop crying. It’s extremely off-putting, so she had to go.” He smirks. I clench my fists as tears sting my eyes, the pain, the suffering she endured before being sold to continue a life of that. “Every time you think about fighting me remember that, remember her,” he adds before closing and locking the door behind him.
* * *
He’s right. I don’t fight him; I don’t fight any of them anymore. This is what my life must be. I shut out the pain of losing Khan. The only tiny glimmer of hope I have left is that the Satan’s Outlaws attack this place, that they destroy it all. I would help them, risk my own life to help them.
I am allowed out, supervised of course. I cannot speak to anyone so as not to tarnish them with my evil, that was Father Isiah’s wishes. Brother Asher follows me everywhere, he keeps his presence close at all times to remind me that I am his, that I belong to him.
Tonight, we have a large celebration banquet, one I am to attend. Brother Asher is going to announce our union. Two women come into my room, carrying a beautiful gown that flows to the ground and is a light pale blue.
“Sister, we are here to help you prepare for tonight’s banquet,” the younger girl says, bowing her head.
“You don’t need to bow to me, I am no different from you. Please just treat me normally,” I plead.
The young girl gives me a small smile, but the older lady huffs. “I think not. Brother Asher would not approve. We have rules in place for a reason. The Lord’s rules. We must always abide by them.”
I roll my eyes and catch the young girl fighting a smile, I already like her. They bathe me, because apparently, I cannot do that alone either. They dress me and braid my hair. The older lady runs off to fetch Brother Asher.
I turn to the young girl. “Listen to me, I do not mean to scare you, but if the chance should ever come to escape, to leave here… Go… Run and don’t ever look back. This place is evil, not good, it’s all lies,” I whisper. She looks scared and I grab her hand. “My wounds, were caused by Brother Asher. Please believe me, keep yourself, your family safe. Away from here. Go to the Satan’s Outlaw’s, they will help you,” I hurry out, hearing the sound of footsteps approaching.
She shakes her head. “They are right, you have been corrupted, you have evil inside you,” she gasps.
I try to correct her, but it’s too late, Brother Asher walks in. I sigh and stand, being sure to keep my head down. He walks towards me and lifts my chin, forcing me to look at him.
“You look breath-taking, and I am pleased to see you have come around. You keep up this behaviour and I will ensure that you are moved to a more comfortable room. “Now, let me escort you to our banquet,” he states, taking my hand in his, leading us out of the room. I want to yank it away, but I don’t.
“Thank you, sisters, for serving us, for serving our Lord,” he praises as we pass.
We walk down and into the large hall, where every member of the community is sat waiting. All of their smiling, warm faces greet us, their innocence staring back at me. Father Isiah welcomes us, then pulls me forward. “Sister Talitha has returned. They tried to take one of our own, they tried to tarnish her, corrupt her, and they violated her!” he yells. I flinch at his words, like it was some sort of horrifying experience, when in reality, it was the most amazing experience of my entire life.
They all gasp. “I know, but she kept her faith, we kept our faith. We prayed with her, we prayed for her. We abolished the evil within and we took her back. She is back! All because of the power of our Lord and the power of us.” He smiles and everyone claps, some are even in tears, moved by my apparent miracle of being saved. I want to roll my eyes; I even want to laugh. But most of all I want to scream at the top of my lungs, telling them everything, warning them. I know it would be fruitless, they would just believe I was still infected with evil.
“That is not all my brothers and sisters, because we have amazing news. Brother Asher and Sister Talitha are to be joined in union on Saturday. Not only have our prayers saved sister Talitha, but they have brought them together. Today’s banquet is a celebration, for in two days, they shall join together under our mighty Lord,” he announces. Everyone cheers and claps excitedly.