Page 76 of Lock 'em Down

I pace around my living room for two laps before I grow a set, pull up the contact info, and call Mr. Coleman.

“Hello?” he answers. His voice is deep and direct, and I automatically know he’s the kind of man who exudes authority.

In that sense, he reminds me of my father, which puts me at ease. Men like that want the truth, they want facts, and they don’t want to feel like someone is pulling the wool over their eyes.

I should have called him directly when Cami and I first agreed to give things a shot. I should have cleared the air, manned up, and addressed him from the get-go, instead of waiting for Cheryl to smooth things over.

Disappointment coats my tongue and I know exactly what to say.

“Mr. Coleman, it’s Leif Bang.”

He’s silent on the other end but the time is still ticking on my screen, so he hasn’t hung up. Yet.

“I’m sorry for not calling you sooner. It was the right move, and I regret not doing it because the truth is, I’m in love with your daughter. And I know how important you and your family are to her. It means a lot to me that we have a good relationship and there’s no chance of that without me apologizing to you for not making this phone call weeks ago. And without me telling you how much I love, admire, and respect Cami. I want to propose to her, for real this time, and I want your blessing, sir.”

He sighs.

I work a swallow.

“So, Vegas was a mistake?” he asks.

“No.” I shake my head even though he can’t see me. “Vegas was the best thing that ever happened to me because I met Cami. Now, do I wish we had done things differently? Yes and no. I love being married to your daughter, but I would have loved for our families to witness our union, which is why I can’t wait to marry her again in August.”

He clucks in the back of his throat, and I can’t tell if he’s pleased or pissed by my response. “You’ve known Cami for under two months, and you love her?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Why?” he poses the question.

I bite back my grin because this question? This is easy. “I can’t imagine anyone meeting Cami and not falling in love with her,” I tell him truthfully. “The biggest blessing here is that she is choosing me, too.” Then, I launch into it. I tell him everything I told Hudson and more.

I share about her confiding in me about Levi Rousell, which surprises him. I explain that the trust I have for her is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I admit that being with her has changed me in the best ways possible—for the first time, there’s an added sense of responsibility that I was lacking. And I like shouldering it. I want to provide for her, protect her, support her. I conclude with, “I respect her, Mr. Coleman. I love her and I’d like to propose, properly, with your blessing, when we’re in Honey Harbor.”

Then, I hold my breath. My palms itch and my heartbeat thumps in my temple. Shit, I’m sweating.

Not so laid-back now.

Mr. Coleman is silent again but this time, I get the sense that he’s considering all I’ve shared and choosing his words carefully. “I appreciate the phone call, Leif.”

I exhale slowly.

“And I look forward to meeting you in August. I’d like for us to have a good relationship as well. A part of me wants that for Cami. And a part of me wants that for us.”

“Thank you, Mr. Coleman.”

“Call me Ben,” he advises.

I crack a smile.

“And you have my blessing. I know Cami is truly happy with you. I can hear it in her voice. And the thing I’ve always wanted for her, Leif, the thing you’ll want most in the world if you and Cami have children, is for them to thrive. To be happy. To fall in love. I wish you both nothing less than that.” Ben sounds choked up by the end and I’d be lying if I said emotion didn’t sweep through me.

Because he was honest. Direct. And sincere.

“Thank you, Ben. I look forward to meeting you, too. If you could do me a favor and not tell Cami, I’d like to surprise her.”

He chuckles lightly. “You have my word. That means I won’t tell Cheryl either.”

I snort. Good call, Ben.