Page 75 of Lock 'em Down

I dial Hudson instead.

“Hey,” he answers on the first ring, and I breathe out a sigh.

Back when I played for the Ottawa Huskies, Hudson and I roomed together in a sweet, two-bedroom apartment near ByWard Market. We confided in each other all the time.

Right now, I need him to weigh in on this.

“Hey,” I reply.

“You okay?”

I sigh. “I’m stressed.”

“Yeah, I got that.” My friend sounds concerned. Man, but Hudson is a good guy. “‘Bout what?”

“I gotta call Cami’s dad. Ask him if I can marry his daughter,” I explain.

At that, he bursts out laughing.

Forget it. I take it back. He’s not a good guy at all. “It’s not fucking funny.”

“I mean, it kind of is,” he wheezes. “Leif, you already married her. You guys are living together.”

“Fuck,” I mutter, squeezing the skin between my eyebrows. “I know. That’s why this is so damn difficult.”

“I mean, try to see it from his perspective,” Hudson points out. “If you married my daughter in Vegas, moved her into your place, and then called me to ask for my blessing, I’d tell you to fuck right off.”

“You’re not helping.”

“I didn’t realize you wanted me to lie,” my friend points out.

We’ve always been straight with each other.

“What do you think I should say?” I ask instead.

“The truth. You love her, Leif?”

“Yes,” I answer. It’s the truth, too. “Look, I know it doesn’t make any damn sense but somewhere along the way, between Cami’s bright-eyed outlook, her honesty, the damn sketches I find around the kitchen, on napkins and in the corners of grocery lists, I fell in love with her. She’s smart and witty. She’s adventurous and open-minded. And for the first time in my life, Hudson, I’m not fucking petrified about being rooted. I want it with her—the home and the nights in. I want everything with Cami.”

My friend is quiet for a long moment. Then, he says, “Tell him that, Leif. That was honest as hell and he’ll appreciate it. Respect you for it. Tell him that.”

I exhale and feel the weight of the damn world leave my shoulders. Holy shit. “I love her.”

“I know you do. And if you tell her father what you just told me, he’ll know it too. I bet that’s all he wants for Cami. I think it’s what every parent wants for their kid. He wants to know you love and respect her.”

“Yeah,” I agree. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Give him a call now, before you lose your edge,” Hudson advises.

I snort. “Thanks, Hud.”

“Didn’t do a damn thing, man. Call him now and I’ll see you next week. Piper can’t wait to meet Cami, by the way.”

I grin at the thought of our girls hitting it off. Of all of us being together in Honey Harbor. “I’m looking forward to it, too.”

“Same. Good luck, Leif.”

“Thanks.” I end the call and stand from the couch.