Page 77 of Lock 'em Down

“Best of luck to you, Leif,” he continues. “I hope she says yes.”

“Yeah, me too.”

We end the call and I collapse back onto the couch. Relief flows through me and I laugh to myself.

I did it. It’s all good. It’s all right.

Then, I text Hudson and my siblings.

Me: He gave me his blessing. The proposal is on.



“This place is magical,” I say as Leif and I settle into our bedroom at the massive cottage he rented with his friends for Chris and Casey’s wedding. Outside our window, the lake is bathed in moonlight. Pine trees and rich greenery surround the calm lake but in the dark, they look like dancing shadows.

It’s quiet. Serene and peaceful.


“It is. I can’t believe Chris is from here,” Leif remarks, entering our closet where he stored our joint suitcase earlier in the day.

“So is Coach Strauss,” I offer, naming the Coyotes Football Coach. “Harper introduced me to him since she works for the team.”

Leif snaps his fingers. “That’s right. I think he’s attending the wedding, too.”

Since we arrived this morning, we’ve spent the day hanging out on the floating dock with Leif’s friends. I met Hudson’s girlfriend Piper, who I hit it off with immediately. Then, we enjoyed drinks and a wonderful dinner with the bride and groom and their wedding guests.

Tomorrow is the big day, and I can’t wait to get dressed up, slip my hand into Leif’s, and spend hours dancing in his arms under the stars.

“Yeah.” I run my hand over the sweet quilt on the king-sized bed. “If I was from here, I’d never leave.”

“I don’t think Chris intends to anymore,” Leif says, exiting the closet in a pair of sweatpants. “But back in college, he wanted to experience something bigger. This really is a small town.”

“It’s quaint.”

“Sure is,” he agrees, kissing me on the lips.

I wrap my arms around his waist and press my ear against his chest. His skin is warm, and I like listening to his heartbeat. Even and steady. Leif hugs me back and we stand like that, enjoying the moment. It’s so simple, practically nothing. And yet, it’s everything.

I could stand like this all night with my husband. God, it feels amazing to be in love with a man I can count on. Someone I can trust.

“Tonight was fun,” I say.

Leif kisses the top of my head. “Tonight was awesome,” he agrees. “I’m glad you and Piper clicked.”

“She’s hilarious!” I pull back, laughing at some of the stories Piper told me about when she and Hudson grew up as neighbors.

“Yeah, I’m happy for Hudson.”

“He’s happy for you, too,” I reply, liking that Piper shared that tidbit of information.

Leif grins and cups my cheek, brushing this thumb along my cheekbone. “I love you, Cami Coleman. I love being here with you.”

I smile, knowing I have hearts in my eyes. Pushing up on my toes, I clasp Leif’s shoulders and kiss him hard. “I love you too, Leif Bang,” I whisper.

Then, I kiss him slowly. His arms tighten around my frame. We lose ourselves to the moment, to the night, to each other.