But here, watching Mitch and Leo together, I felt included somehow, and considering how I’d reacted previously when I’d come out of the bathroom to find Leo in bed wrapped in Mitch’s arms, made my reaction now completely irrational. Maybe because I was only witnessing a sexual act, rather than an emotional one, my thinking was different. Then again, if I’m not in the room with them, how could I be a part of what they were doing? Perhaps a better way to think about it was that I didn’t feel excluded. I should have, but I didn’t.
It’s possible, now our earlier encounter had been allowed to settle in my mind, something had clicked inside me. Trust, maybe? Hmmm, probably not quite yet. Honesty seemed a better fit for my current way of thinking. Both of them were honest and upfront, and if I asked a question—well, at least one not discussing Mitch’s sale of the property or his dead wife or anything about Leo’s family relationships—I’d get a truthful answer.
Had I felt the same with Karl and David? That they’d been entirely honest with me or I with them? Had I inwardly tailored my responses to what they wanted to hear, or more importantly, to what I didn’t? I wasn’t sure. I needed to reexamine my interactions with them more deeply, to work out this possible new discovery regarding my past relationship.
Leo’s loud moan snapped me back to them in time to watch his whole body shake as he came, ropes of cum shooting from his cock all over Mitch’s fingers and jeans. I had to bite my tongue to prevent my own groan when Mitch raised his hand, licked his fingers clean, and kissed Leo.
Dirty fucker, but damn that was hot.
Palming my hard dick through my jeans, temptation nearly had me pulling myself out and jerking off right there, the urge to come so strong. Who knew I’d get off on being a voyeur? I determinedly stepped away from the door and headed through the living room and kitchen to the bathroom Leo and I shared, shutting the door behind me while rapidly unzipping my pants. I needed some type of release, or I’d drive myself crazy all night from being so fucking frustrated, and I was fast getting to the point of no return when one of them knocked on the bathroom door.
“Gabe? You in there?”
Mitch. Shit.
“Yeah. Give me a minute.”
“Okay, but I need the first aid kit from in there. The one in my bathroom has run out of the electrolyte sachets, so I need the ones from the vanity.”
Swallowing down a frustrated groan and rezipping my fly, I resigned myself to coping with blue balls for the time being. I hunted under the sink for the first aid kit and opened the door. Mitch had disappeared, so, willing my aching cock to calm down, I went to find him.
They were both seated on the couch, Leo already in a T-shirt and shorts, looking so much better than he had when we’d carried him to the cabin on the makeshift stretcher. His color had returned, and his hands were now a warm pink, instead of the unhealthy blue when we’d initially found him.
“Here.” I passed the kit to Mitch, who placed the plastic container on his lap, unclicked the catches, and lifted the lid to find what he needed. He pulled out a sachet, ripped it open, and emptied the contents in a glass of water. He swirled the contents around a few times before handing it to Leo, who dutifully swallowed the drink, offering a shy smile at the attention he received. The whole atmosphere smacked of routine and domesticity and freaked me the fuck out. We’d had sex once, twice for the other two, so we weren’t some cozy family settling down for the evening together.
Twitchy all of a sudden, I hovered awkwardly by the couch. Did I tell them I’d seen them or not? What would be gained if I did? I mean, I’m not their keeper, and we aren’t in a relationship. We’d had a quick suck and jerk-off session, nothing more, so why was I being so indecisive instead of my usual focused clear-headedness?
“I’ll go make dinner,” I said and left them to it, trying not to freak myself out at how easily we’d fallen into certain roles in such a short time. Not that I minded making us something to eat. I’d never win awards for my cooking, but my mamá had been determined all her children would be able to fend for themselves, which included learning how to cook. Plus, I enjoyed cooking. Creating something tasty out of a few basic ingredients calmed me and allowed me to forget what else I had going on to concentrate on the task at hand.
Opening the fridge, I grabbed a bottle of white wine, checked the label—hmmm, Chablis—perfect. Hopefully a drink would calm me down, as the ache in my balls from being denied their release had made me cranky. Unscrewing the top off the bottle, I poured a hefty glass and took a large gulp. Lightly oaked and buttery, the cold wine slipped down very nicely. I took another long drink and immediately my muscles began to relax.
“Are you keeping the wine all to yourself, or do the rest of us get any?” Mitch asked as he padded into the kitchen, his socked feet making hardly any sound on the hardwood floor.
“Sure. Help yourself.”
He did and poured one for Leo, too, though now he’d loaded up on painkillers, I wasn't sure alcohol was a good idea, but hey, he was old enough to decide for himself, right?
“I…um…wanted to…um…” Mitch ran a hand over his already scruffy hair.
I waited, eyebrow raised.
“Leo and I…um… We…um…” he trailed off.
“You and Leo what?”
He gulped in some air and then he hastily admitted, “I jerked him off in the bedroom.” I almost choked on my wine.
“I…um…wanted to tell you.”
Okay. “Why would you want to tell me what you and Leo get up to? We’re not dating. You two can do whatever you want.” Inwardly pleased he’d told me, I feigned indifference and nonchalantly shrugged his confession off. “Nothing to do with me.” But Mitch, astute as ever, wasn’t so easily appeased.
“I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.” His eyes focused intently on mine and the familiar frisson of need slid down my spine. It was uncanny how he did that to me. None of my previous partners, ex-boyfriends included, had made me feel so…important. I found the whole concept unnerving and scary yet thrilling all at the same time. “I want you as much as I want Leo.”
Holy fuck, what this guy does to me! My body broke out in goose bumps all over, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end as his words did funny things to my heart.
He stepped closer and cupped my cheek. The heat from his touch making my skin burn and my belly flip-flop. “Do you want us, Gabriel?”
His deep voice, edged with a sensual undertone made my entire body tingle. My name was Gabe. Always Gabe, even to my family, so to hear my full name from his lips left me weak at the knees and desperate for air. I tried to speak, but the bowling ball-sized lump in my throat prevented any words from forming, so I forced a nod instead. When the corners of his mouth turned up in satisfaction, I let out the most pathetic whimper.