In that moment, he owned me. Totally fucking owned me and could have asked me absolutely anything, and I would have happily done whatever he wanted.
This was bad, really fucking bad. I was falling for him, hook, line, and sinker. Cold fear flooded my system at what this meant. I’d promised myself a hundred times over not to repeat my past mistakes, so I had to stop this before I got in too deep. But when he stepped closer, his big hand sliding around my neck, his breath on my face, I lost the fight.
“Good,” he whispered against my ear. “Because we’re going to have you, Gabriel, over and over and over.”
I shuddered at his words, as images of them taking turns fucking me flashed in front of my eyes. He moved away, allowing me to heave in some air, needing the oxygen to prevent me from passing out. Calmly picking up the two glasses of wine as he left, Mitch winked at me. The fucker knew exactly what he was doing to me.
Hands shaking, I brought my own glass to my lips and took a large gulp, letting the alcohol burn down my throat. Who the hell was this guy who’d only ever had sex with a woman before today, yet magically discovered every button to push and lever to pull to get both me and Leo eating out of his hand and sucking on his cock?
I was in so much trouble with these two men, so much trouble, and if I didn’t sort out an escape plan real quick, I’d be in for a huge fucking fall I’d possibly never recover from.
“That—” Leo said, pushing his plate away and cradling his stomach. “—was amazing.” He let out a contented groan. “Nothing is ever gonna beat the taste of your lasagna.” He patted his belly a few times. “I’ll be as big as a house by the time I leave here if I’m not careful.”
Talking of which…
“When will we be leaving, exactly?” I aimed my question at Mitch. “Because on Saturday we were only supposed to be here for a few days. It’s now Monday and we’ve not been given any update as to what’s going on. Are the bridge repairs close to being completed?”
At least he had the decency to look apologetic.
I raised an eyebrow and waited.
Casting a glance at Leo, I fully expected to see a question on his face too, but guilt also marred his expression.
I smelled a rat. “We were never getting out of here in a few days, were we?”
My temper started to build at their lack of response. They’d known all along we’d be here longer than the weekend and deliberately hadn’t told me. In fact, they’d lied about it from the start.
If they’d lied about us being rescued, what else were they keeping from me?
So much for Mitch not wanting any fucking secrets between us.
“How long?” I ground out.
“Another three days, at least, maybe more.” Mitch finally replied. “Depending on any additional snowfall we get.”
“So, what are you telling me is we’re gonna be stuck here for another week? I’ll still be here on Christmas Eve?”
No, no, no. The last thing I wanted to do was spend Christmas Eve in anyone’s company. Christmas Day, I’d be with Mason and Ash, and the guys, if they made the trip up from the city. But Christmas Eve was meant to be my own private pity party. I’d planned on getting up late and working out in my home gym until I dropped, before eating my body weight in junk food and watching a few sci-fi movies, while generally feeling sorry for myself. But mostly, I wanted to get completely and utterly wasted before three o’clock to forget the day’s significance and exactly how unimportant and how totally irrelevant my life and my feelings were to the two people I’d been in love with.
The two people who were now able to legally marry, be husband and husband, rather than have a blessing because the law didn’t allow the three of us to legally commit to marriage.
No way. No. Fucking. Way.
Fuck that, and fuck them.
Throwing my napkin down on the table and pushing back my chair, I grabbed the nearly full bottle of wine and took a long swig. May as well start getting plastered straight away.
“No fucking secrets,” I threw at Mitch. “You’re so full of shit.” I turned to include Leo. “Both of you.” Disgusted, I stalked out of the kitchen and into the living room, shoved my feet into my boots, grabbed a coat, Leo’s car keys, and left those lying fuckers behind.
Once again in the only place I felt safe, away from them and their lies, I locked the doors, started the vehicle, and turned on the heat and the music. Cranking the volume knob until the music blared so loud the windows rattled, I tried to block them and everything else out.
“Fucking secrets,” I grumbled, placing the neck of the bottle against my lips, and let the wine fall into my mouth. Fucking assholes.
I heard the loud bang on the window even over the music. “Get out of the car, Gabe,” Mitch demanded.