But being held like a prized possession, someone to be cherished, made the blood rush through my veins and my heart hammer way too hard. Not sure how to react to his kindness and to hide my own awkwardness, I let my head rest against his shoulder and nuzzled into his neck. He smelled musky and faintly of sex, so I inhaled deeply, wanting to capture his essence in my lungs for all time.

“Here,” he said gruffly as he gently stood me by the toilet, holding me until I balanced myself and managed to fully stand on my own. “I’ll be sitting in the bedroom, so call out when you’re ready.”

I nodded, suddenly shy as his gaze held mine, his tender expression making me feel special and all he cared about in the world. We stayed that way for a few seconds until he retreated, leaving the door ajar. Alone now, I took a few seconds to regain my equilibrium. Every moment with Mitch was like turning a page in the most complex and intriguing book I’d ever read, as he gradually revealed new layers of himself every time. And with each new discovery, I wanted him more and more. I found everything about him exhilarating, and standing here naked in the bathroom, I lost a piece of myself to this gruff and complicated man.

After finishing my business and catching a horrified glimpse of myself in the mirror—total bed hair, a big crease along my cheek, and dried drool—I hurriedly splashed my face with water and ran my wet fingers through the errant strands of my hair to try to tame them. But, no matter how messy, sticking out all over the place, my hair got after sleeping, unless I took a shower and used shampoo it pretty much stayed a mess.

Giving up after a few minutes, I haltingly left the bathroom, clinging first to the vanity and next to the door, in case I felt faint again. Mitch sat on the bed waiting for me, playing with his cell, and the sight of a tangible link to the outside world surprised me, as I’d not missed the familiarity of using my own phone these past few days, at all. Funny, I’d gotten so used to being isolated and away from civilization, it made for a refreshing change not to have to worry about anything else going on in the world for a while. Reality would intrude soon enough, as it always did.

I’d have to look at my cell phone shortly, though, as Malcolm undoubtedly would have left me message after message demanding an update on the progress of the sale, or lack thereof.

Mitch raised his ass and pushed his phone into his front pocket, the action lifting his hips as he straightened his long legs, reminding me once more I remained totally naked, and he wasn’t. I found having my body completely exposed and vulnerable, while his was secured behind layers of material, strangely arousing. So arousing, in fact, my cock began to stir.

“Thinking about something you like?” he asked as his gaze zeroed in on my rapidly hardening penis.

“I…um…” I began but stopped, my mouth going dry when Mitch got off the bed to stand in front of me, desire in his eyes, his hand tentatively reaching out to enfold me in his rough, calloused fingers.

“Mitch,” I gasped, my hands leaving the door and clasping his shoulders in a death grip as he began to lazily work my length.

His gaze dropped down between us at his hand wrapped around me. “I’ve never held another man’s dick before today. It’s so solid, yet at the same time feels so soft and smooth.” He looked up into my eyes, the wonder in his clearly evident.

“Y-You don’t seem freaked out by it.” I managed to get the words out as Mitch continued to torture me. His loose grip meant I slipped easily between his fingers, but the sensation of his work-roughened palms, their hard skin grazing over my sensitive flesh, and his languid movements did way more for me than if he’d been quicker and more forceful.

His boyish grin expelled the last remaining air in my lungs. “I’ve known I was bisexual since hitting my teens.” He spoke as if we were having an everyday conversation while I continued to unravel right in front of him.

I liked my sex hard and fast on most occasions and was what I preferred with the random men I’d previously been with, if only to get the act over with as quickly as possible. But here, with Mitch, going slowly and sensually flicked every one of my switches.


“But I met my wife early on and so didn’t get a chance to experiment with other guys.” He squeezed me tighter. “I’m making up for it now.”

He continued to glide his fingers along my shaft for the next few minutes, back and forth, back and forth, slow and easy. When he dropped his other hand and cupped my balls, rolling them around in his palm, the extra stimulus from his touch was all I needed. My fingers turned white as I clung to him, nails digging into his T-shirt. My cock jerked in his hand, making me moan aloud as I shot my load all over his fingers and the front of his jeans. He didn’t stop, just maintained his slow, languid strokes as the shudders shook my body over and over. My vision dimmed as all the blood currently resided in my cock, rather than my head, and my legs were about to give out any second. But, once again, Mitch was there, holding me close, uncaring of the mess I made all over his clothes.

“Fuck,” I said into his shoulder, liking his deep hum of approval.

“Maybe later,” he replied, which had my head immediately snapping up to stare at him, eyes wide, mouth open. He shocked me even more when he brought his hand up, the hand covered in my cum and licked the white globs from his fingers.

“Jesus. You sure you’ve not done this before?” I croaked.

He placed a gentle kiss on my mouth, his tongue slipping in to let me taste myself. I nearly swooned; swooned, for fuck’s sake, his saliva and my cum tasted so good. “I told you. I’m making up for it now.” He smirked before easing away. “Let’s get you cleaned up; shall we?” He lifted me off the floor once again and carried me back into the bathroom, resting my ass against the vanity. The guys I normally fucked were smaller and slimmer than Mitch, slimmer than Gabe, even. I preferred them that way, as I got some measure of control for once. But this, I’d have no problem getting used to this—being manhandled, told what to do, treated like a precious cargo with a big “Handle with Care” sticker stamped on my ass.

I nearly giggled out loud at the thought, as the last thing I wanted was my ass handled with care. In fact, Mitch could make me a breakable item any time he wanted.

Chapter Twenty-Two


About to enter the bedroom to check on why Mitch hadn’t returned, and worried Leo still felt ill, I gripped the handle to push the door open, then froze on hearing Leo’s groans. At first, I concluded he must be in pain, but soon worked out the exact opposite was true.

After a brief internal battle as to whether I should or shouldn’t look, I gave in and peered through the inch or so gap in the door to see Leo, naked, his strong arms clinging to Mitch while being leisurely jacked off. The sight of them both was erotic beyond belief. Probably because Mitch was fully clothed, so held all the power, and by the way Leo reacted to his touch, he held all the control too.

His unhurried motion, as if he had all the time in the world, didn’t surprise me. When not arguing, Mitch exuded calmness and a relaxed patience, and I often did a double take to ensure this was the same guy we met on the day we arrived.

My eyes stayed glued to his hand, his fingers gliding over Leo’s hard cock, sliding down the thick shaft, before returning to the head, slicking his fingers with the precum leaking from Leo’s slit before rolling his wrist around the tip, making Leo shudder every time he repeated the move.

I should leave them alone. I really should, but my feet refused to move away from the scene playing out in front of me, and with a bolt of shock, I realized I didn’t feel jealous in the least and only wished Mitch was naked, too, allowing me to watch them both working each other over.

This feeling was new. Even with my exes, I’d had a constant niggle of fear of being excluded. Whenever the three of us were having sex, I always felt like the odd one out. I don’t think they were even cognizant of their actions with each other, but I witnessed firsthand the extra gentle caresses or deeper kisses they gave each other and not me. I’d fought my insecurities, told myself to stop being an ass, but I never shook off the nagging awareness. Turns out, in the end, I was right.