Her smile faded. “Oh, I don’t know. Is that your room?”

I was about to say no but changed my mind. She didn’t need the truth, she just wanted assurance that she was doing the right thing. “Yes, it is.”

“Can I have a selfie first?”

“Of course you can, sweetie.” I waited for her to get her phone from her apron pocket and posed for a number of pictures with her. A few pictures was a small price to pay for the satisfaction I was about to feel.

Once done, she led me to Violet’s door and was about to swipe the lock when she paused and looked over her shoulder at me. “I could get in a lot of trouble. Are you sure this is your room?”

“I promise.” Okay, I was a liar, sue me. I had my fingers crossed so the lie didn’t count.

She nodded and swiped the card into the lock. The door beeped and she opened it.

“Thank you, I owe you one.” Leaning down I placed a kiss on her cheek, before walking into the room and closing the door behind me. I could hear her excited squeals on the other side of the door and grinned. Another lady satisfied.

Her room wasn’t nearly as big as mine, perhaps six hundred square feet, so not overly bad, I suppose. I found her sound asleep on her back in the center of the bed, her red hair was spread around her head on the white pillow like a flaming halo. Sometime during the night she’d kicked the blankets off herself and was lying there on the bed, wearing a skimpy lace baby-doll nightie that had bundled up around her waist, revealing her red lace panties.

Jesus Christ! My cock went into instant alert just looking at her. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. I’d envisioned her to be more of a Snoopy pajamas kind of girl, not to be wearing something sexy like that. Who was she wearing something like that for anyhow?

I was standing there trying to decide whether I was going to wake her up or not when I saw her stir. She moaned softly and suddenly her eyes sprang open and she screamed. With catlike speed she leaped from the bed and pulled the blanket toward her to cover herself.

We stared at each other for the span of a few beats before she yelled, “What are you doing in my room?”

“You weren’t at the gym.”

“Didn’t you think to call?” Her eyes narrowed at me and I’m quite sure I heard a little growl come from her.

“No, not really. Not when you were just down the hallway.”

“How’d you get in?”

With a shrug, I grinned. “I have my ways.”

“Have you no shame? You sweet talked one of the maids, didn’t you?” She wrapped the blanket around herself and tucked it in under her armpit.

“Perhaps. You really don’t need to go to the effort of covering up, I’ve already seen your lacy red panties. Very sexy I might add.” I knew I shouldn’t antagonize her, but dammit if I didn’t love watching her get angry. Seeing the fire in her eyes was intoxicating.

“So explain to me why you’re here again?”

“The gym. It was your idea. It’s now…” I looked down at my watch. “Twenty-five minutes past our meetup time.”

She looked down at the clock next to the bed to verify for herself. “I suppose you’re right.” With a sigh, she ran her hand through her hair, smoothing out the stray locks. “Sorry, I was just so exhausted, I must have hit the off button and went back to sleep.”

Walking over to the king-size bed, I plunked myself down onto it and reclined back onto my elbows and stared up at her. “Well, this is what I’m thinking. You have two options. You can either get dressed and we go do what we’d planned on doing…. Or…” I rolled over to my side and patted the bed beside me. “You could come and lay down beside me. We can nap together…”

Damn, this hard-on in my shorts was troublesome. Hopefully she didn’t notice, but then again, maybe a show would be enough to get her to take a ride on my stick. My cock jumped in response to that idea.

~*~ TT ~*~


I really didn’t know what to think. What kind of nerve did you have to have to just invite yourself into someone’s room while they were sleeping? And the bastard was just standing there watching me sleep. What kind of psycho does that? But I knew it wasn’t craziness, not in the least. He was Zack Wyatt, and what Zack Wyatt wanted Zack Wyatt got.

So there he was, a rock-and-roll superstar reclined on my bed, offering to be my sleep partner. Yeah, right. There wouldn’t be a damned bit of sleep going on if I got back into that bed. He’d made it perfectly clear on numerous occasions that he wanted to have sex with me. Not going to happen, no matter how appealing he was lying on my bed with a blatant open invitation.

“I really don’t think me laying down with you in bed would be a good idea.”

“Why? You don’t think you could control yourself around me?”