“I’m more concerned about you controlling yourself.”

He chuckled, looking me up and down like I was a piece of meat. “Coward.”

“Uh-huh.” Planting my hands on my waist, I gave him the best stern look I could muster. “We have a professional relationship. Nothing more. And it’ll never be anything more than that. Your charm may work on other women, but I’m not just some woman.” I really hoped he couldn’t see through my false bravado, because I wasn’t feeling nearly as confident as I was trying to convince him.

“You’re right. You’re not. Which makes you even more appealing.”

The chances of me being able to kick him out of here and going back to sleep were zip, zero, zilch. Even if I could get him out, I’d never be able to get back to sleep, I was too riled up and as much as I hated to admit it, the thought of taking him up on his offer was making my pussy ache.

“Okay. So, let’s cut to the chase. What do you want?”

“I want you to join me on this nice soft bed,” he gave me a wink, “but if that’s not in the cards for us today then I want you to get dressed so we can get on with this gym torture you were so insistent on yesterday.”

Releasing a loud sigh, I motioned for him to get off my bed. “Fine then.” Keeping the blanket around me I went to my suitcase and after some rummaging pulled out a pair of leggings, crop top, and underwear. “I’d ask you to vacate the room while I dress, but I suspect that would be pointless.”

He grinned and shrugged. “Don’t even make like I’m here.”

“Easier said than done,” I muttered under my breath as I left the bedroom and entered the bathroom with my clothing piled up in hands.

Once in the bathroom I closed the door and placed the clothes on the sink before untucking the blanket and folding it neatly and placing it on the sink next to the clothing. Not wanting to keep Zack waiting, I quickly changed out of my nightie and into my gym clothes.

Zack was so damned egotistical. Did he think I would just fall all over myself to hop into bed with him because he showed me some interest? I huffed. As if. I could count on one hand the amount of men I’d been with sexually in my twenty-eight years. I didn’t take my selection of sexual partners lightly. There was only one major hiccup and that was the fact that I was extremely attracted to Zack. Hell, I was also attracted to Dylan as well for that matter. Just being near them made my heart race and core ache. I’d never felt such a strong sexual attraction to anyone before; it was unsettling, especially since I’d be spending every day with these men.

It was more than unsettling, it was downright dangerous for my career. I hadn’t worked as hard as I had just to have it destroyed by a lapse in judgement because I hadn’t been laid in a while.

Grabbing a hair elastic from my toiletry bag on the sink, I pulled my hair up in a ponytail high on my head. My hair bounced behind me as I pulled it through the elastic and released it. Giving myself one final glance I was satisfied I looked as good as I ever would.

As I turned toward the door, my heart stopped beating for a fraction of a second. It was open. How in the hell did it open? Did I not close it fully? I was about to dismiss the whole thing, no big deal, until my eyes locked with Zack’s.

“Zack?” I asked slowly coming out of the bathroom to enter the main room.

“Yes, boss.” He was grinning from ear to ear not even remotely embarrassed by the fact he’d just been caught peeping on me.

“Were you watching me get dressed?”

“Affirmative. I didn’t open the door if that’s where your mind was going to go. I tried to be a good guy and look away or tell you. I mean, I could have. But damn, your body is smoking.”

I told myself not to let his charm sway me, but the heat in my cheeks was betraying me. Damn him.

“A gentleman would have turned his eyes away.”

“Never claimed to be a gentleman.”

Our gazes locked and I shook my head, my ponytail swaying behind my head. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

“That’s what she said,” he joked, standing.

I refused to give in and laugh. “I’m managing an idiot,” I grumbled loud enough for him to hear, grabbing my card to get back into the room before heading for the door.