Chapter 6


Fuck! Why’s that goddammned alarm going off? I was having a wicked dream and was sporting a hard-on that could break bricks to prove it. Why did the alarm always have to interrupt the best of dreams? Rolling over to the edge of the bed, I shut the fucking thing off and then fell back onto the mattress naked and spread eagled.

I wanted to fall back to sleep, and with any luck get back to the dream I was having, featuring our sexy new manager, but I couldn’t. The ache in my dick was demanding I either rub one out or use the bathroom.

With a sigh, I rolled out of bed and gave myself a second to stand and steady myself before walking to the bathroom. After finishing my urgent business and giving my hands a thorough wash, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked exhausted, but considering the badass concert last night who could blame me. It was a rare thing for me to perform a concert 100% sober, but I had last night. I was surprised at how much I’d enjoyed it. I enjoyed it even more once the initial nerves were overcome.

Violet didn’t know what it was like to be the center of attention; maybe if she knew she’d be a little more sympathetic. It was then that it struck me…I was supposed to meet her in the gym.

Fuck and double fuck. Running on a treadmill was the last thing I wanted to do this morning. But I’d promised and the last thing I wanted was for her to throw it in my face that I couldn’t even get up to meet her on our gym date.

Well, not exactly date, but meeting. Yeah, let’s call it a meeting.

Going back into the bedroom, I opened my suitcase and grabbed a pair of black Adidas shorts and matching shirt. Once dressed, I checked the hotel map that was placed under glass on the desk and made a mental note of the gym’s location. Hopefully, with it being so early the gym wouldn’t have many people in it. Grabbing a ball cap, I pulled it on my head; it wasn’t much of a disguise, but it was better than nothing.

Ten minutes past the time we were supposed to meet, I entered the gym. There were a few people working out, but Violet was nowhere to be seen.

Hmm. Maybe she forgot?

Her forgetting shouldn’t have given me so much pleasure, but it did. A large smile spread across my lips. Maybe she wasn’t quite as perfect as she let on.

So now what? I was tempted to go back to my room and go back to sleep. I was here. She wasn’t. It wasn’t my fault she’d ditched our plan. But there was a larger part of me that wanted to rub her sexy little nose in the fact I’d shown up while she’d forgotten. She was most likely counting on the fact that I wouldn’t. It was possible she showed up and left, but I’d bet a dollar to a donut that if she did show up and left that she’d have come to my room to piss on me.

So that’s just what I was going to do to her. Fair’s fair, right?

It only took a few minutes to locate her room and I didn’t hesitate to knock on her door. Oh, it was going to be nice to see the “oh shit” look on her face when she realized I’d remembered and gotten up early and she hadn’t.

No answer. Hmm.

I knocked a second time, this time a little louder in order to wake her if she was a heavy sleeper. Still no answer.

It was then that I caught sight of movement from the corner of my eye. Turning, I grinned when I noticed a young housekeeper grabbing some linen from her cart. With any luck she’d know who I was. Pulling the cap from my head, I folded it and shoved the bill into the deep pocket of my shorts.

“Excuse me, gorgeous,” I said approaching the young woman. When she looked up the first thing I noticed was how pretty she was; she had large blue eyes and her dark hair was tied up in a bun at the top of her head.

The moment she spotted me, her blue eyes went as wide as saucers and her mouth dropped open.

Bingo! She knew who I was.

I came to a stop roughly a foot away from her.

“Oh wow. You’re…. You…”

Chuckling, I put my arm around her shoulders. “Hi, I’m Zack Wyatt.”

She giggled. “I know. I’m stunned. Wow.”

“No need to be surprised or shy. I’m just an average person.”

“I love your band! You have no idea how much your music means to me.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.” I gave her the smile I reserve for women I wanted to woo. Her face flushed a bright pink and she giggled again. “Listen, I need for you to do me a favor, can you do me a favor?”


I nodded to Violet’s room. “Can you let me into that room. I’m wanting to surprise someone.”