“Then maybe you need to turn around and piss off so you’re not watching.”

She stared at me a moment and then closed the distance between us. As she closed in, I started to get a whiff of her perfume. It was the same perfume that she was wearing the other day and it smelled amazing.

Stopping just before she reached me, she wagged her finger under my nose. “I’m not intimidated by you. I have a job to do and evidently, part of that job is to save you from yourself.”

I could think of some places she could put that finger of hers, her whole hand for that matter. Though waving it under my nose wasn’t one of those places. “I don’t need saving.”

“I beg to differ.”

“If you want to beg, I can think of some very fun ways to make you beg.”

Her green eyes narrowed as they stared into my blue ones. “I’m not going to sleep with you.”

“We don’t have to sleep.”

She smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m not going to fuck you either.”

“Never say never.”

Her jaw clenched and anger flashed in her eyes. Fuck she was sexy all riled up as she was. Maybe I didn’t need to fuck her, maybe just riling her up would be good enough.

Taking a deep breath in, she closed her eyes and then slowly released it, opening her eyes back up. “Okay, I think we’re getting off track and need to get to the issue at hand.”

“What’s the issue at hand?” I’d legitimately forgotten. The alcohol had one half of my mind in a haze and my dick was controlling the other half.

“The issue is why are you drinking before the concert?”

“It’s just my way of relaxing. And now, I have to order another bottle of that.” Turning, I began walking toward the phone located on a stand next to the sofa.

She was faster, running past me and blocking my path. “No.”

“Then what do you suggest I do for stress relief before the show? I can’t drink and you don’t seem inclined to spread your legs for me.”

“I won’t continue to tolerate your rude comments, Mr. Wyatt. How could you possibly be stressed? You’re about to get in front of thousands of people who adore you. How could that be anything other than invigorating?”

“You wouldn’t understand.” Now I was starting to feel bad. She was seriously killing my buzz. I’d just met her; if she thought she was going to get to the center of my creamy core this quickly, she had another thing coming.

She chewed at her lower lip a moment before answering. “Listen. I don’t know much about you, so maybe I don’t. But what I do know is drugs and alcohol isn’t the answer. Though I do have a suggestion. The hotel has a masseuse on staff. I’ll give them a call and have them send someone up. There’s nothing like a good massage to release all the stress.

“Oh, I think there’s other alternatives.” I closed the distance between us. Yes, I did promise the guys to behave myself, but she came to me, not the other way around.

Her hand shot out and she braced her palm against my chest stopping my advance on her. “Are you crazy?”

“I’m just asking for a pre-concert massage. There’s some parts of me that are really solid right now.”

“You really are certifiable.” Her jaw clenched and the anger raged on in her eyes again.

“I’m just asking you to massage me, baby.” Damn, if she wasn’t the sexiest woman I’d ever seen all flared up like she is. If there was a way to turn this encounter into one where I would bend her over the sofa and fuck her senseless, I’d do it. Though she wasn’t going to be nearly that easy.

That’s when she slapped me. My body jerked back, ever so slightly.

It had been quite some time since I’d been slapped by a woman. And she had a pretty damn good arm on her and didn’t hold back. My cheek was really stinging. Placing my hand on my cheek, I began to caress the stinging area.

One thing that slap did was sober me.

Fuck. I’d just done what I’d promised Dylan I wouldn’t do. Double-fuck fuck.

With a sigh, I took a step back giving her space. Her chest was heaving as she stood before me, visibly attempting to control her anger.