“Okay, I’m going to say this once and only once. I’m working really hard to get out from under my father’s shadow. And I’ll be damned if I’ll let you ruin my career. So you need to stop acting like a horny teenager and start acting like a serious musician and entertainer. It’s not just about your dick. You have younger people who look up to you, kids. Instead of being king of the douches perhaps you should consider being the role model that you should be.”

She had a point. As much as I hated to admit it, she had a point.

Walking over to the sofa, I flopped myself down onto it and motioned for her to sit next to me. When she didn’t budge from her spot, I added, “Please. Sit, just for a minute.”

She hesitated, but eventually did as asked and came around the sofa to sit beside me. “I’ll give you a minute.”

“Listen. I didn’t mean anything by my behavior. I apologize. I was just messing around with you. You have no idea how sexy you look when you’re riled up.”

She cocked an eyebrow at me but didn’t interrupt.

“I wasn’t just messing around when I said that I get stressed out before a show.”

“Why? I’m having a hard time getting my head around the idea that you’d have an issue onstage.”

“Dylan and I were just a couple kids off the streets of L.A. Just like thousands of others. I still wonder why it was us that made it; what has made us so special. Sometimes, I fear that the audience will see through the persona that I’ve made up and see that I’m not entirely the person they think I am.”

“You mean the playboy?”

He shrugged. “It’s an image I have developed for myself and it seems to be who I am now.”

Her features softened and she reached out, touching my thigh. Her touch certainly didn’t help my horniness level. “It doesn’t have to be.”

“Not too many people know this, but I have had an anxiety attack or two in the past before a show. The alcohol numbs it a bit.”

“You can’t use the alcohol as a crutch, Zack. You need to learn better, healthier ways to cope. My mother was a drug addict. She OD-d when I was twelve. She didn’t face her demons, so her demons destroyed her. You’re way too talented to allow anything to destroy you.”

“I’m so sorry.”

There was pain in her eyes, and I wished I could take that pain away from her, but I couldn’t. But there was one thing I could do: I could try to do as she asked and find more productive ways of dealing with my stress.

“It’s okay. It was sixteen years ago.”

“I’m still sorry.”

She shrugged. “Thank you.”

“How do you deal with all the stress?” I grinned, attempting to lighten the mood. “I hear the new group you’re managing has a real asshole for a front man.”

Laughing, she ran a hand through her hair. “I run and I like yoga.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to tease her about how flexible she was, but I stopped myself. Old habits die hard and all that.

“How about this: we can be yoga and running buddies.”

Her mouth dropped open as she gave me a peculiar look. “You want to go running with me?”

“Yeah, why not? I can run.”

She spread her hands out as she stood. “Okay then, it’s a date. Running tomorrow. I’ll check in on you again before the show.”

Spinning, she made her way across the living room to the door to let herself out. I may have come to an understanding, but that didn’t mean I was a saint. My eyes had a mind of their own as my gaze became fixated on her tight, round swaying ass with each step. One good thing about running with her was that I could feast my eyes on that sexy ass of hers. My cock jerked alive again. I was going to have to rub one out before the show.

I did give myself a mental pat on the back for not using her moment of vulnerability as a chance to touch her. It would have been so easy for those few moments to pull her into my arms and have her melt against me. Becoming a whole new respectable, responsible Zack was going to be hard, but I was always up for a challenge.