Chapter 4


Dylan seemed quite sensible, but Zack…. He was going to be my problem child, there was no doubt about it. I wasn’t blind; I saw how he looked at me when I’d walked into Carter’s office—like I was prey.

He didn’t think I could do the job. I knew that much as well. Well, I’d show him. His attitude had lit a fire under my ass.

The more I thought about the situation, the more I was determined to show the band, Carter, and more importantly myself how capable I was. I wanted to be known as Violet Hudson, a force to be reckoned with, not Violet Hudson, daughter of the great Edward Hudson.

Entering the hotel where the guys were staying, I walked directly to the elevators and hit the up button. I would see Zack for a few minutes so that we could straighten a thing or two out before his show. This would be their first show under my watchful eye and I was hell-bent on ensuring it went smoothly.

Arriving on Zack’s floor, I went to the suite number I was given and knocked, waiting for several beats before knocking a second time. Where in the hell was he? God, I hoped he wasn’t high. Rome wasn’t built in a day and if that was the frame of mind he was usually in before a show it would take some time to wean him off that habit. The last thing we needed was a rehab controversy.

As I was raising my hand to knock a third time there was a click of the door being unlocked and moments later it was swung open to reveal Zack in the flesh. His dark hair was disheveled, he was glassy-eyed, and had a partially drunk bottle of whiskey in his hand.

He was shirtless, wearing just a pair of blue flannel lounge pants. I’d seen pictures of him shirtless before, but the pictures never did him justice. The muscles in his chest were beautifully defined. As my gaze lowered there was a thin string of hair that started at his navel and dipped beneath the waistband of his pants.

You have got to be kidding me. I had to shake off the feelings of desire I had for him at this moment and get back to the task at hand: making sure he on the straight and narrow.

“Hey Zack, I thought I’d drop in for a few minutes so we could talk.”

He eyed me up and down and it felt like forever before he nodded and stepped aside. “Come on in.”

Entering, I was impressed at the size of the room. Hell, it wasn’t really a hotel room, it was a damned apartment it was extremely lavish. “Nice room.”


I nodded toward the bottle in his hand. “Is that a normal thing for you?”

His brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

Sitting down on the large, gray plush sofa I nodded to the bottle. “Getting loaded before a show.”

“Oh.” He looked down at the bottle and laughed. “It’s just stress relief.”

“You need to stop with that.”

“To hell with you, woman!” Defiance flashed in his eyes, like a damned five-year-old!

A part of me was tempted to back down. But the greater part of me met his challenge with one of my own. “You can either get rid of it, or I’ll do it for you.”

He took a swig from the bottle, while eyeing me with a big old fuck you in his gaze. “Like I said, you can go fuck yourself. You’re our manager. We’re paying you, not the other way around.”

“Exactly. You’re paying me to look after your best interests, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.” Leaping to my feet, I rushed up to him, snatched the bottle from his fingertips, and sought out a sink. The first one I found was the kitchen sink. That would do. Standing in front of the sink, I tipped the bottle upside down and watched the stinky liquid begin to pour down the drain. I hated alcohol when in the hands of people who abused it.

There! Spinning around, I gave him a self-satisfied smile and prepared myself for a battle.

~*~ TT ~*~


For a brief moment I was enraged. It took a lot of nerve to do what she just did.

“The New York City show is one of the biggest shows of this tour,” She growled at me, “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking that I’m just unwinding and that you’re being a bit of a dictator. I’m thinking that this is something I always do before a show and that you’re overreacting and need to mind your own damned business!” I was shouting; it would be a surprise if hotel security didn’t come knocking on the door at any moment, but I didn’t care.

I could see how angry she was, her level of anger matching mine, and I doubted there would be any way in hell she’d back down. “It used to be something you’d do, but it’s not any longer. Not on my watch.”