We fall into a comfortable silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts for a moment. The room feels warm, safe, and cozy, a cocoon of love and friendship.
It doesn’t take long before Livie stands up and moves to the kitchen. She comes back with three pints of ice-cream, all with spoons in them. Bianca and I laugh as we each grab one and start taking bites. We trade them back and forth, all of the flavors equally good.
“Dating was a rollercoaster, and I’m so glad those days have come and gone,” Livie says.
I laugh. “Me too! It was all a part of our journey though, and I have no regrets. Every heartbreak, every misstep all led me to Magnus. If reaching him at the end of my journey led me right here it was a well-traveled path.”
Bianca grins. “And Livie is now married, and you’re about to walk down the aisle tomorrow. I’d say that’s an incredible journey.”
“I think the one thing about each of us is that even if we’ve all had bumps in the road, we never gave up on ourselves and stuck to what we believed in. I agree that the wait was worth it,” Livie says.
Bianca nods. “Confidence is everything. I have days I don’t feel as confident, but then I remember who I am. My parents raised me to be strong. Knowing who you are is important. Magnus always enforced this with me as well.”
I’m full and happy, and couldn’t be more grateful for being where I am. “I sometimes feel guilty about how great my life is. I love that I have you both, and love that you’re here with me now on this beautiful night.”
Livie stands again, a mischievous grin spreading across her lips. “Speaking about tonight which leads to tomorrow, Bianca and I have a few gifts for you.”
Bianca reaches behind the couch and pulls out a beautifully wrapped box, handing it to me. “You have to open mine first,” she insists, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
“I love presents,” I tell her. I don’t point out that I didn’t get them much as a child. I don’t want to bring anything up that might bring down the mood of this incredible night.
I tear off the wrapping paper and lift the lid to find a delicate necklace inside. It’s stunning, the kind of jewelry that holds love and a story with it.
“This is a family heirloom that my mother brought with her from Italy,” Bianca says, her voice filled with emotion. “It’s been passed down from generation to generation and my mother and I am very proud to give it to you. I really am happy that as of tomorrow at five in the evening, you’ll be my official sister, Piper.”
Tears spring to my eyes as I lean over and hug her tightly. “Thank you, Bianca. I’ll call your mother and thank her as well. I’ll cherish this forever. It means the world to me. I know what I’m wearing tomorrow.”
“I love you,” Bianca says.
“I love you, too,” I tell her before setting the antique box down on the table. The necklace glows beneath the soft lighting. It’s the most precious gift I’ve ever been giving.
“Okay, mine isn’t nearly as wonderful, but I think you’ll like it,” Livie says with a laugh as she hands me an elegantly dressed bag. “Now for something more . . . playful.”
I’m scared as I take the bag from her. They’re both staring at me as I open it up. Inside is an ultra-sexy, and skimpy piece of red lingerie. My cheeks instantly flush as Livie and Bianca laugh.
“Make that man of yours scream on your wedding night. Who knows, maybe Julie will have a little cousin to play with for her first birthday,” Livie says with a wink.
I start to giggle and then we all erupt in laughter which wakes up Julie. Livie jumps up to collect her, then sits back and starts feeding her while I tuck the lingerie away. I know she’s far too young to remember seeing it, but it seems far too racy to have out with the baby in the room.
Livie laughs as she sees me do this. “How do you think this child of mine was made?” she says. “I guarantee you I was wearing something just as hot the night she was created. Tyler loves some sexy lingerie.”
I don’t even know what to say to this. I haven’t worn any lingerie with Magnus yet. We’re too busy ripping each other’s clothes off to worry about what to wear before sex. Maybe I will wear this tomorrow night and surprise him.
“I hope the man I end up with wants me to dress up. I find it so hot,” Bianca says. “I’m wearing a sexy bra and panties right now just because I like to.”
We all laugh again. We then settle back as we finish our ice-cream. We call it an earlier night than normal as I don’t want to have dark circles beneath my eyes on my wedding day. Tomorrow has to be perfect, and I know it will be. Any day I’m with Magnus is amazing. Our wedding day will seal our love together.
Chapter Twenty-Six
The morning of my wedding dawns with a whirlwind of activity and a whole slew of emotions. My heart is a chaotic mixture of joy, excitement, and just a touch of nervousness. I still wake with a smile, a smile unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.
“Rise and shine, Pumpkin,” Livie says as she rushes into my room with a very happy Julie in her arms. She sits down on the bed and hand me Julie who coos at me. It’s a perfect start to a perfect morning.
Bianca rushes into the room next and I scoot over as she joins me on the bed, reaching over and plucking Julie from my arms as she coos at her, the baby giving all of us joy.
“As fun as this is, the limo will be here in twenty minutes, so take a quick shower, and put on your robe. We’re heading to your bridal suite to make you even more gorgeous than you already are,” Bianca says.