“Twenty minutes!” I exclaim. “We have all day, though.”
“Oh, Darling, it will go by in a flash,” Livie says. “We have a heck of a lot of pampering to do before you walk down the aisle.”
We all exit the bed and I head to my shower. It feels wrong to dress in only a robe, but I’m their puppet today and I’m going to be a good girl and do what I’m told. I’ve learned it’s far harder to argue.
Before I know it, the girls are whisking me out of the house and we’re laughing in the back of a limo. I feel like a princess as we drive to the fancy hotel where the wedding venue is being decorated as we speak. I’m snuck in through the back, thankfully, since I’m in a robe. When I step into the biggest hotel suite I’ve ever seen before, the room is already buzzing with activity, laughter, chatter, and people moving with efficiency through the room.
Livie takes control, and like a conductor, gets everything moving in all of the chaos. I’m glad she’s here because her steady presence is the only thing keeping me grounded before I have a panic attack. I have no nerves in marrying Magnus, but this actual wedding is a lot.
I’m immediately sat down, and both my toes and fingers are attended to while a woman stands behind me doing something with my hair. I can’t help but laugh at all of this attention. I have to remind myself this is one day and then it’s over and things will go back to normal.
Livie moves up next to me. “How are you feeling?” she asks, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she hands me a mimosa. I gratefully take it. I certainly don’t want to get drunk on the most magical day of my life, but I also need just a tad of liquid courage to get through all of these preparations.
I take a deep breath as I smile at her before I wince when my hair is once again pulled as another piece is twirled and clamped to my scalp. I think the hairdresser is a dominatrix. “I feel incredible,” I tell her. “And a bit overwhelmed.”
We look over to see Isabella and Bianca in a flurry of activity as people come in and out of the room as they ask questions while they set up down below. They’re the ones taking care of all of the details. It’s wonderful I don’t have to do a thing about the actual wedding except for walk down the aisle. If I don’t trip it will all work out beautifully.
Bianca turns, then rushes over to me. “That was your wedding dress designer. It’s all ready for you to step into,” she says as she claps her hands. “Take some deep breaths and remember that everything is going perfectly,” she assures me.
Isabella comes over as she cups my cheeks before kissing each one. “You don’t need any of this fussing, you’re so beautiful, but a bride needs to be pampered on her wedding day.” She then sits as someone starts doing her toenails a beautiful bright red to match her gorgeous dress.
She then eases my tension as she begins sharing stories, making all of us laugh. I would’ve loved to have known Magnus as a boy. It sounds as if he was a real charmer and a very goofy young man. Isabella beams at me.
“You’ve brought the boy back out in the man Magnus has become,” Isabella says with pride. “I love that I raised him, and now you will make him a father and the man he’s always been meant to be.”
This makes me cry again as I give her a watery thank you. “Now, now, don’t you be doing that. Makeup is next,” she tells me as she wipes away a few of her own tears.
“Then you better not say any more things like that to me,” I tell her.
“How can I not praise you when I’m so happy to have you join our family. No other woman could be as perfect for my son as you.”
“We could talk about the wedding night. That will ensure some blushes, but no more tears,” Livie says with a wicked grin that indeed has my cheeks flushing scarlet. I will kill her later for this.
Isabella laughs as she reaches over and squeezes Livie’s hand. “I know all about wedding nights. I can’t wait for my first grandchild,” she tells me with a wink that has my cheeks heating even more. I might not make it to the aisle when I die of embarrassment.
More activity moves around us, and then soon I’m being led into another room where I see my dress hanging. I’ve already seen it, but knowing I’m about to put it on for the last time today makes me beam. It really is perfect. I’m glad they made me try on so many, and grateful this is the one we all agreed on. It’s elegant, flowing with a shimmer of material with each movement I make. When they slip it over my head, then button it all up I turn and look in the mirror and don’t even recognize myself. I truly feel beautiful and like a bride.
“Oh, Livie, you’re absolutely stunning,” Bianca says in the softest voice I’ve ever heard, her eyes misting with tears which make my own spring forward. “Magnus is going to faint.”
“You aren’t supposed to say this stuff, remember? I’m going to destroy my makeup,” I warn.
“Okay, then I better not speak right now. I’ll just go do a video you can watch later,” Livie says as she sniffles while walking up beside me. Bianca joins me on the other arm and the three of us look wonderful together as we stare at our reflections.
The photographer has us turn and snaps a few pictures. I’ll cherish these forever for many years to come. We hug some more, and then the final touches are put into place.
Our time really does fly by quickly and before I know it, we’re leaving the suite. It’s killed me knowing all day how close Magnus has been to me without me being able to be with him. But this is the last time we’ll have to be apart again.
My heart thunders as we make our way down the grand hall which is adorned with beautiful flowers and twinkling lights just like I wanted. The sight takes my breath away. I owe Isabella, Bianca, and Livie so much for all of this. I might even admit to them I’m very happy with all the fuss and pomp.
We stop outside of the doors to the room where I know Magnus is waiting at the head of the aisle. “Take a deep breath. It’s time,” Livie whispers as she gets into place to walk down before me. I stay hidden as the music begins and Livie and Bianca walk together down the aisle.
“It’s time, Darling,” Isabella says. I turn and fight tears.
“Thank you for walking with me,” I tell her. I can’t help it as a tear slips away. She pulls out her ancient cloth and wipes it away.
“It’s truly my honor to do it. Instead of giving you away, I’m carrying you right into our family,” she whispers as her own tears fall. I lean over and hug her. “You’re going to mess up your beautiful dress,” she scolds, but she holds me too. I don’t let her go for a minute. She then pulls back. “We better get going before my son comes to find us.”
I chuckle. “I’m ready.”