“I wish our wedding was tomorrow. It can’t come soon enough until you’re my wife.”
She rewards me with another kiss and then we dance together as someone else steps up on stage and sings a love ballad. We spend another hour with our friends before we slip away. We love being with others, but we cherish our alone time just as we always will. One more week until eternity.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The night before my wedding, I’m nice and cozy in my home. Poor Magnus has been booted for the evening. He pouted a bit about it, but was a good sport. His last words were to tell me he couldn’t wait to see me at the end of the aisle. I was barely able to let him go.
Right now, though I’m with my best friend Livie, and my new sister, Bianca, as we sit on the couch with baby Julie in her cradle sound asleep near us. I’ve been glowing for days as the countdown has run down until I marry Magnus Carter.
We’re all holding a glass of wine as we sit here comfortably, not needing a wild party the night before my wedding day. Of course the event has become huge, but I don’t mind. It’s all being taken care of, and it makes all of the people I love happy to do it. I can’t help but marvel at how much my life has changed in such a short amount of time.
“I’m getting married tomorrow,” I say again, my voice filled with awe.
Livie, the more practical of the two of us, is still a dreamer. “You’re going to be Mrs. Magnus Carter tomorrow. How does it feel?”
“I’ve always found it odd that they say Mr. and Mrs, insert man’s name. I love that I’ll be Mrs. Carter, though. I have zero attachment to my last name. I do like my brother, but we aren’t close. We can go months, even years without seeing each other. Being a part of Magnus’s family is a dream come true.” I look at Bianca. “I can’t say it enough times how much it means to me that you and your mother have opened your arms to me.”
She jumps up and gives me a hug. “You’re the blessing for us. I absolutely love you,” she assures me.
“I never thought I’d find a man like Magnus, a man I love and trust so much. After my initial fears, I haven’t been scared again. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and it feels so good.”
Bianca, full of her usual spirit, laughs. “You and my brother are perfect together. He absolutely adores you. I’ve seen him shine since he’s met you. Don’t ever think you’re the lucky one. He’s the one who won the lottery.”
I beam at her, appreciating her words. This family has zero problem speaking their mind, so if she didn’t mean what she was saying, she wouldn’t say it. That’s why it means that much more to me.
Livie leans back, her eyes twinkling with memories. “Remember how we used to talk about the kind of men we wanted when we were in our early twenties. It’s crazy what we thought we wanted, versus what we need.”
I laugh, nodding at her. “Those conversations would last well into the night. We had very unreal expectations. Maybe that’s why we didn’t normally last past a date or two with the men we’d go out with. No one measured up.”
“Until I found Tyler, and you found Magnus. They’re both everything we ever dreamed about, and so much more,” Livie says.
“Now, you guys are making me a little jealous. You both hit the jackpot,” Bianca says with a pout as she leans over to refill her wine glass.
This makes us both chuckle as we turn her way. “What kind of man are you looking for, Bianca? You’re stunning, spunky, successful, and men are always panting at your feet. What will it take for one of them to interest you?” I ask.
Bianca laughs as she rolls her eyes, a playful smile tugging at her lips. “For one, I’d love to find a man who isn’t intimidated by me in exactly five minutes. The moment they realize I’m not some shrinking violet, that I run my own business, and that my confidence is real, they slink away. I don’t get it. I’m never going to be a quiet, meek girl, but you’d think there were at least some men out there who’d appreciate that.”
Livie leans forward and pats her leg. “You should never have to change anything about yourself to impress anyone. You’re phenomenal and it’s their loss if they don’t appreciate you. I hate it when women tell other women they have to suppress themselves. If the men you’re around don’t like it, then we’ll just have to go somewhere else. Maybe Texas. There are some real men there,” Livie says, making all of us laugh.
“There’s a real difference in confidence and being a jerk. I certainly want a man who knows who he is, but I also want him to worship me without letting me walk all over him,” Bianca says.
“That’s not much to ask for,” I tell her. I’m going to be laughing all night long with these two ladies.
“Exactly,” Bianca agrees. “There has to be at least one man out there who can handle me, who can match my fire with his own.”
“I want to sit back with some popcorn when it happens. You guys will go up in smoke together,” Livie says.
“I sure hope so. Otherwise I’m going to adopt twenty cats and scare children. It’s always good to have a backup plan,” Bianca says.
“I thought your brother was a playboy and wanted nothing to do with him when I first met him, but the second I saw his tender side, I was a goner. Sometimes we have to get past the hard outer shell to find the gooey marshmallow inside,” I tell her. “When you find the one you can’t live without the wait will be well worth it.”
Bianca nods, her eyes thoughtful. “I certainly hope so. I do agree with you that Magnus could be an ass to women. I’ve never, and I mean never, seen him treat a woman the way he treats you. This gives me hope. If my brother can be a strong, amazing man, then maybe I’ll find one who will adapt with me, too. I don’t want to go into a relationship wanting a man to change, but I do want to go into a relationship where we both bring out the best in each other.”
“And a man who thinks of our flaws as beautiful and doesn’t bow to us, but appreciates us for who we are,” Livie adds.
“Amen to that,” Bianca says as she sips her drink again.