Page 100 of Love Lies Bleeding

As I fly down the drive, I hear sirens behind me, but I don’t stop. I don’t think, all I care about is getting to Cherry. I let the bike fall to the ground and I race to the door. I try the handle but it’s locked. I spend precious seconds putting my shoulder into it before I give up and race around the side. Flames lick at the windows as I try and see, calling her name like a prayer.

Memories assault me of the last time I was in this position and ended up carrying my dead sister out in my arms. I won’t lose Cherry the same way, I can’t. I’ll never survive it. I skid on the gravel near the back French doors and try and peer inside. I squint, feeling hopelessness drag at my chest, trying to carve me in two.

That’s when I see it, a shot of shocking pink near the door on the ground.

“Cherry! Fuck, I’m coming. You just keep breathing, Blossom.”

I hunt around for something I can use to smash the windows. As I grab a rusty spade, Mac races around the corner.

“She’s inside. Help me.”

Never in my life have I felt such desperation. Not the night my sister died, not when my mother overdosed, not when I was arrested, and not even when I watched Cherry walk away from me, her heart broken ten years ago.

Between Mac and I, we smash the glass and are driven back for a second as smoke pours out of the space and poisons the air. I push forward and Mac grabs my arm.

“The fire department is here.”

“Fuck that, I’m not waiting.”

I shake his hand off and push through the gap, hardly feeling the glass cut my arms. I gather her limp body in my arms and cradle her to my chest as I cough and splutter. Turning, I let Mac help me through the broken glass as heat singes my back.

Stepping through the broken door, I rush toward the ambulance as the firemen take over. A paramedic tries to take her from me, and I almost bite his head off, but then I feel Mac’s hand.

“Let them take care of her, Jake.”

My arms shake as I fight the urge to run away with her. The thought of letting her out of my arms is torture, but I know deep down I can’t help, only they can. I sit on the bench as the EMTs, two female paramedics, check her over, listening to her lungs, checking her airway, and placing an oxygen mask over her face.

I reach for her hand, not willing to sit here and not let her know I’m here. Tears track down my cheek, and I choke on a sob. I can’t lose her. I love her so much. It would be hell on earth without her. If she dies, I’ll live for one reason and one only, and that will be to hunt down Kendrick and Lorelei and torture them to death.


My head snaps up at the weak, raspy sound that is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.

“Blossom. Oh my God, I thought I’d lost you.”

Her face is covered in soot and dust but her weak smile almost stops my heart as she reaches out to stroke my face. “You’ll never lose me, Jake. I love you.”

I never thought I’d be the type of man to lose it, but at her words, I put my head on her belly and hold on to her while I sob. Her hand stays in my hair as the paramedics give us some space for a minute.

When my mental breakdown is over, I lift my head, and she’s looking at me with so much love.

“You really like me, huh?”

Her ridiculous statement has me laughing as I sit forward and kiss her beautiful lips, tasting the smoke she’s inhaled.

“I really fucking love you, Blossom.”

“I love you, too. I’m sorry I was so afraid to say it before.”

“I’d wait a lifetime for you, Blossom.”


“You love my sappy.”

“I do.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but we really need to get her checked over at the hospital.”