I glance at the blonde paramedic who addressed me and nod. “Fine but I’m coming with you.”
“That’s fine.”
I know Mac will handle things here, and I don’t give a fuck if the house burns to the ground, we can rebuild. The only thing that matters is my Cherry Blossom.
At the hospital, they check Cherry over and run some blood tests and lung function tests. I growl at the nurse who tries to clean her up and take the cloth from her so that I can wipe the dirt from her face. Her eyes are closed and I know she’s exhausted and needs rest but I’m not leaving her alone.
“Hey, you.”
“It was Kendrick.”
My jaw practically snaps with the force of my anger when she confirms my fears. “I’m sorry. I should have known he’d find a way. That bastard is dead when I find him.”
“He’s jealous.”
I frown, not understanding what she means. “Why? He has more money than God.”
Cherry shakes her head, a hacking cough taking hold and I help her sit up and take a sip of water, fucking hating that he caused this and knowing for every second she suffers, he’ll suffer ten times worse before I end his miserable life.
“He was jealous of Hunter and then me. He says he loves you.”
What the fuck kind of twisted messed up bullshit is this? “We were never more than friends, and barely that.”
“I know but he’s clearly sick.”
“Don’t give a fuck. He’s still going to pay with his life, so please don’t ask me to spare him, Blossom. That’s twice now he’s tried to take you from me, and I’m not giving him the chance to have a third go.”
“I’m not asking you to. I just want you to know what you’re facing with him.”
I stroke her hair back from her face and her eyes close. “Don’t worry about me. You just get better so we can go house hunting.”
“You have a house. You can rebuild.”
“No fucking way. We rebuild, Blossom. From now on, I’m not wasting time. We’re moving in together. We’re starting our life together and that includes you in a white dress, saying I do, and a handful of obnoxiously gorgeous kids.”
“Worst proposal ever.”
I laugh at her sass, even as the weakness in her voice makes me want to rip out Kendrick’s heart and feed it to him.
“That was a statement of fact, not a proposal, Blossom. When I propose, you’ll know.”
Her energy fades then and I sit by her side until her mother and Lexi come rushing in like the hounds of hell are chasing them. I lift my finger, indicating she’s sleeping and the two women nod, and sit on either side of her in silence.
“How is she?”
“She’s going to be okay. They want to keep her in overnight to be sure her lungs are clear. But other than a few bumps and some minor smoke inhalation, she’s going to be fine.”
“Thank God.” Her mom sniffs and I wrap an arm around her while she gets herself together.
“Is Mac outside?”
Lexi nods and I ask if they’re okay to stay with Cherry while I talk to my best friend and get an update. I’d rather never leave her ever again, but I need to end this threat to her for good.
Mac is waiting when I exit Cherry’s room and this is too reminiscent of the time we spent waiting for news on Lexi. Lines of stress bracket his mouth and, for the first time, I can honestly say I understand how he felt and I wish with all my heart I didn’t.
“How is she?”