“I’m sorry to bother you, but I wanted to let you know that I lost eyes on Kendrick.”
“What the fuck do you mean you lost eyes on him?”
I crack my knuckles as I stand, grabbing my jacket. Something telling me to get to Cherry.
“He went into his club but got thrown out. I followed him to a bar down the road and watched him go in, but he never came out. I went in and the barman said he’d left through the back with some woman.”
“What did she look like?”
“I didn’t ask.”
Fuck me!
“Find the fuck out and call me immediately.”
I hang up and dial Cherry, but only get the engaged tone. I keep trying as I go to get in my car and then decide to take the bike I sometimes kept here for when I need to let off steam.
I link my phone through the helmet, wasting precious seconds, and then dial again. This time it rings and rings with no answer. No need to freak out, she’s probably busy or has the music loud again. Yet I can’t help the blind fear that is scratching at my insides like a rat trying to escape a hot steel drum.
My phone rings and I answer as I hit the freeway at breakneck speed. “Yes?”
“A blonde. Tall, slim, who was dressed like a socialite.”
Fuck, that has to be Lorelei. I knew she’d been working with Kendrick and they hooked up a few times from the report and the gossip rags. It seems they’ve teamed up again and that can’t be anything but bad news. “Call the police and have them sent to my property in Mariemont. Then find Kendrick before I do, or this will end badly for both of you.”
I kill the call and dial Hunter.
“Please don’t tell me they fucked this deal over a tiny detail, Jake.”
“I can’t get hold of Cherry and the fucking PI lost Kendrick.”
I knew my best friend would pick up the abject terror in my voice.
“I’m heading that way now. Is she at the house?”
“It’s probably fine.”
“I’m five minutes out. Just get to her, Mac.”
“I’ve got you, Jake.”
I throttled the engine, taking curves way too fast, my knee skimming the tarmac as I race to get to her.
My phone goes again and I answer without looking.
“This better be good, asshole.”
“Jake, it’s Darla. I was on the phone with Cherry when something happened. I think she’s in trouble.”
“Fuck. I’m already on my way and so are Hunter and the police, but tell me everything.”
“We were talking and then went kind of distant like she wasn’t listening. I heard her say what the fuck do you want or maybe it was who the fuck are you, I can’t recall, and then the call went dead. I tried to call back but she isn’t answering.”
“I’m just a minute out, and as soon as we confirm it’s all a misunderstanding, I’ll have her call you.”
The words die in my throat as I round the corner and see smoke billowing out of my property. Thick dark plumes of it roll out of the windows as my heart almost beats from my chest.