Page 57 of Staying Selfless

She shrugs her shoulders. “I think I’ll save that for grad school graduation at this point.”

I read the titles of a few more envelopes before I come to one that is stuffed much fuller than the rest.

I hold up the thick envelope with a questioning glance, and Logan lets out a cute little laugh. “I’m pretty sure that one is full of cash,” she explains. “My mom and I always used to watch this show called Say Yes to the Dress when I was younger, and we would pick out our favorite dresses each episode. She wanted to be the one to buy my wedding dress for me.”

Well, that’s the sweetest explanation for why the envelope that says, ‘When you find your dress’ is packed full to the brim.

The next one I read takes my breath away, purely from surprise. I reread it a couple of times, making sure I’m seeing this correctly.

‘When my baby has a baby,’ is written in green ink on a pink envelope.

“Did your mom not know that you don’t want to have kids?”

Her face instantly drops with guilt. “I used to want kids.”

Well, that’s the last thing I expected to leave her mouth. Before, when Logan told me that she didn’t want kids, it sounded so final and definitive. But suddenly, the fact that she once wanted to be a mom seems like there might be an open door in that department, even if it’s just an honest conversation.

As much as I would love to dive into that topic right now, I can’t. Tonight isn’t about that. It’s about the closure that Logan is finally getting.

The last letter in the stack is the one that might have caught my attention the most.

“Why haven’t you read this one yet?” I hold the envelope in my hands, unable to break my stare from it.

This one is a blue envelope, still in the same green pen with the words, ‘When you fall in love,’ on the front.

“Because it wasn’t written for me.”

She turns the envelope over in my hands so I can read the back. ‘This is for him,’ it says over the flap.

I look up at Logan, whose gaze is locked on mine. Her lips are spread in a proud smile so big that it reaches her eyes, crinkling the corners of her pretty greens.

“It’s for you.”

I can physically feel the blood draining from my face as I read the inked words on the envelope again. I can’t believe Logan’s mom had the foresight to write this for me. Well, she didn’t know it was for me, but still. I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised. Logan is one of the most thoughtful people I know, so it makes sense that she got it from her mother.

“Really?” I look back down to the letter sitting in my open hands.

“Yeah, baby. That’s for you.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me just yet,” she laughs. “I don’t know what’s in there.”

“I can handle it.” Leaning across the space between us, I press my lips to hers. “Are you okay?”

She gives me a shy grin as she nods her head, and even though her cheeks are red and puffy, I believe her.

“I don’t think you should go to the party tonight,” I tell her.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. This is big for you, Logan. You don’t need to be trying to enjoy a stupid college party when your mind is somewhere else, you know?”

“Can you tell Cam I’m sorry I missed it when you get there?”

Cam has been talking about this birthday party non-stop all week, but he’ll understand Logan’s absence. He might be less understanding that I’m not going, but I don’t give a fuck.

“I don’t think I’m going to go back.”