Page 109 of On the Power Play

Mary nodded and gave their driver the go ahead once Alvin was in the front seat. They had all afternoon to kill before heading to Roger's Place for the game, and West Edmonton Mall was the place to be. All the Snowballs players were staying there since it was cheaper and more fun for Curtis's kids and Ryan's daughter, Amaya. Delia was honoured that she and Mary had been included in the invitation to hang out with the rest of the team.

"It's incredible, right? That Jack's old team would drive all the way up here–bring their families–when they have their own playoff game on Thursday?" Delia watched out the windows, looking for anything familiar. She'd played multiple shows there, but didn't remember much since she'd stayed next to the venues.

"Honestly, I never thought hockey players cared about anything more than scoring and beer."

Delia snorted. "I see what you did there."

"Seriously, though. It's been an education." Mary swept her perfectly straight hair behind her ear. "I think Jack's great, Dels."

Delia stared harder through the glass. "Mmhmm."

"Mmhmm? That's all you have to say?"

"Yep." Her head started to spin. It was true. There wasn't a cohesive thought in her head that she could string into something intelligible. She ran her fingers over the smooth fabric of the coat Jack gave her. Her thoughts about Jack were more images than words.

He was a bobbing throat and a lazy blink. A hand half shoved in a pocket. A beautifully uneven nose. A smile with all teeth. Dark chocolate fondue eyes.

Not to mention the feelings that tagged along. Warmth that sank into her skin like she was sitting below the rink heaters. Laughter that bubbled through her chest. A comfort blanket. Home.

Guilt coated that last word with a slick sheen, and Delia pulled out her phone and clicked on the text chain with her mom. She needed to get her out for a visit ASAP.


Morning! I know you're probably at work, but I want you to know I love you! I'm in Edmonton for the next two days. I'll phone in a bit? ??

"Are you going to tell me about the coat?" Mary asked.

Delia set the phone in her lap. "I did. Jack worked for Big Rick, and?—"

"I saw your face, Delia. I know there's more to it than that." Mary huffed a breath. "You're not talking to me like you normally do."

Delia shifted in her seat. "We haven't exactly had a lot of alone time."

"But even when we do, you're just . . . I don't know. You hate superficial conversations, and now it feels like that's all we have."

Delia's cheeks warmed. "It hasn’t only been one-sided." She sent a meaningful look to Alvin in the front passenger seat, and Mary's eyes widened. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish, then she turned to face the opposite window.

Delia winced. She searched for something to say to lessen the impact of her last sentence when her phone buzzed in her purse. She pulled it out while she searched for the right apology.


Wow. Didn’t think a coat would warrant an I love you

Delia blinked. She re-read Jack’s text, then scrolled up and groaned. The last message she’d sent. It had been meant for her mom but ended up going to Jack instead. Just screwing up with everyone it seemed.


I’ve said it for a lot less

She regretted it the instant she sent it. It wasn’t true. She’d never said “I love you” to someone. And Jack had.

He’d never stopped loving the person he’d said it to.

Delia’s mouth dried out like it had been swabbed by strips of gauze as she typed.


Kidding! That text was meant for my mom. Sorry, I’m not detail oriented in the least