Page 108 of On the Power Play

"Hey, you ready?" Mary leaned into her room, suitcase handle in hand.

Delia chewed on her lower lip. "Almost. Do you think we'll do anything fancy? Should I bring a dress?"

"There will be after-parties, right?"

"I know, I'm just not sure about the dress code." Delia stared at the pile of clothes still splayed out on her comforter.

"I don't think it matters."

Pressure built in Delia's chest. She knew it didn't matter. Logically. But her mind couldn't let go of the idea that she'd end up going out with Jack in a socially unacceptable outfit. Why did it matter so much? There had already been pictures of her sporting no makeup and joggers splashed across every media outlet in the country.

But something had changed since that video was posted. She needed to prove that she was fine. Better than fine. She wanted the whole country to know that she wasn't mildly obsessed with hunting down every last clip and reporting it. That she was living her normal life with her hot, hockey player boyfriend, and things had never been better.

"I can't decide, Mare!" Delia stomped into the washroom and brushed her teeth, then dried the bristles on her brush and tossed it and her toothpaste into the top of her toiletry bag. When she stalked back out, her suitcase was closed.

"I finished it for you."

"What did you?—"

"You'll like it, c'mon." Mary wheeled both their bags out the door. Delia grabbed her coat and purse and ran after her, making sure her friend didn't have to carry both suitcases down the stairs.

Mary was first out the door, and she nearly tripped over a box that sat smack dab in the middle of the door mat. "What the hell? Did you order something?"

Delia shook her head. She rolled her bag next to the shoe rack and grabbed the box, searching for sender information. Nothing. No address, no stamps. Just her name. For Delia. "It looks like it was just left here."

"Don't open it." Mary dragged her bag to the car waiting at the curb. It didn't look like there were cameras that morning, thank the heavens. Mary returned with Alvin a moment later.

He pulled out a box cutter on his key ring. "Step back."

Delia moved back into the house. Alvin waited until Mary was next to her, then took the box down to the sidewalk. He sliced the tape and opened it, then frowned as he reached in and pulled out?—

"Oh my—" Delia ran forward as Alvin held up a gorgeous, oyster coloured snowboarding coat with gun-metal zipper pulls. Before she could put her hands on it, she spotted a piece of folded paper on the cement by Alvin's feet and picked it up.

Thought you could use a new memory with Big Rick. Hope it's not too big.

- Jack

Chapter Twenty-Six


Jack. How in the hell? This coat is incredible

It fits perfectly btw

Thank you

Delia stared at her phone as the car pulled up to the Marriott ICE District at noon. No response. She hadn't expected Jack to text back, he was probably with his team and unable to even see her messages. It didn’t relieve the excitement.

That same feeling overtook her, when she’d bolted down the stairs and kissed him in front of his teammates. Like a tea kettle at a full boil about to whistle. How did he keep doing that? Surprising her so thoroughly that she felt like an overfilled balloon.

"You coming?" Mary was already halfway out the door.

Delia nodded. She donned a toque and sunglasses, zipped up her Big Rick coat, and walked in with Mary and Alvin while their driver grabbed their bags and delivered them to the bellhops. Tony had arranged things with the hotel, so all they had to do was show up at the check-in desk and show Mary's ID. With keys in hand, they walked back to the car and got in.

"What time are we meeting everyone?" Mary asked.

Delia pulled out her phone. "Clara said they were all checking in around the same time as us. We can just head over and find something to do until they're ready?"