Now I want to intercept more texts. Preferably juicier
That would require me to have relationships outside of you, Mary, and my mom
Mary. Delia exhaled. “Mary, I didn’t mean?—”
“It’s fine.” Mary cut her off. What was happening between them lately? Mary had been distant, but had she spent two seconds thinking about it? She hadn’t made time for two seconds of thinking about it.
Delia looked back at her phone.
Top three. I’ll take it
Her blood hummed under her skin. That was flirting, right? It was hard to read tone over text, but that had to be flirting.
I’m excited to watch the game tonight!
At least she could say something right to someone.
I think I might throw up. So same
Delia snorted, then remembered she was still in a car with three other humans. And one of them was annoyed with her.
Chug a litre of water. Always used to work for me before a big show
Thanks. I’d brush my teeth between periods but I don’t have anyone stocking extra toothbrushes in the dressing room
I’ll let Mary know you’re in need of her services
Jack sent a laugh emoji but didn’t write back.
She and Mary sat in silence the rest of the way to the mall. When the car pulled to a stop, Delia pushed her door open and drew a deep breath of the crisp spring air, then pulled her new coat tighter around her.
"It doesn't look like much," Mary said as they walked through the doors to entrance twenty-four. She wasn't wrong. The outer walls looked like any regular mall they had back home in Toronto.
"How high do these numbers go up?" Delia's voice echoed as they pushed through the airlock with Alvin a few steps behind. Sears was on their right, so they turned left and started down the hall. It was the middle of the week and at that time of day, there weren't many people wandering through the shops. Delia still pulled her toque a little lower over her head to hide her waves.
"Do you know where we're supposed to meet them?" Mary asked.
"Probably by the hotel, I would think." Delia pulled out her phone to see if anyone had texted.
Almost ready. Meet at the pirate ship?
"Let's find a map." Delia scanned until she found one, grateful they were on a mission so they didn't have to deal with whatever had happened in the car. Mary's words ran through her head. Now it feels like that's all we have.
The words stung because they were true. When was the last time Delia had opened up to Mary? Talked about something real? When was the last time she talked to anyone about something real? Moments ticked one by one in her head, and they all had one person in common. Jack.
Delia swallowed the lump in her throat as she scanned the map, trying to orient herself. "I think . . . maybe I have feelings for Jack. And I know that's stupid because he's only with me because he's being paid, which, ugh. That sounds so pathetic saying it out loud and ridiculous that I'm even entertaining the idea that there could be something more, but Mares. He makes me feel things, and I think about him all the time, and he's been there for me even when he didn't have to be, and I'm nervous and confused, and I think excited because I haven't met someone like this in so stupid long, and?—"
Mary pulled her into a hug, and Delia's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you for finally admitting it. I can see it all over your face every time you talk about him or look at him."
"I didn't want to say it because what if—" Delia sucked in a breath. What if it was all in her head? What if Jack was just bucking athlete stereotypes left and right and happened to be the most thoughtful, sensitive guy who?—
Delia pulled back in a panic. "Damn it, Mary! What if he's gay?" That would be exactly her luck. Find the guy of her dreams through Tony, of all people, and he wasn’t even remotely attracted to her.
Mary laughed out loud. "Oh. He's not gay." She shook her head resolutely.