Page 31 of Love Notes

“Already sent it to Levi,” Jake answered.

“Keep on it in case there is anything else that might have been missed.” I didn’t wait for his answer, and I shoved my phone back in my pocket.

“Know anything about a cottage at Loch Lomond?”

Trevor’s face gave away the fact that he had no idea what I was talking about before he even opened his mouth.

“Is she armed?” Levi asked over my shoulder, and again his expressions told us all we needed before he uttered a single word.

“Fuck,” Levi muttered.

I pulled my arm from Trevor’s body. “I promise you this now, if anything happens to him because you helped her... I will come after you too. What does she have?”

“A gun.” He sagged against the wall in defeat.

My heart dropped like a stone into my boots, and I glanced over at Levi. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Just over an hour later, with the help of the coordinates supplied by Cathy, we arrived on the road leading to an isolated, yet pretty, little cottage on the edges of Loch Lomond. We drove just a short distance past the house, pulled the car into a ditch and jogged back to the cottage using the cover of darkness and our on foot approach to our advantage.

Adopting the same method we had at the hotel, Levi hugged one side of the doorway and I took the other. Just as we were about to make our move a shot rang out in the darkness.

Levi used surprise to his advantage and kicked in the old wooden door in one move.

Natasha was standing over Lennox with the gun still in her hand. Levi managed to disarm her without much incident as she stood there with her mouth open, staring at Lennox, who was slumped in the chair, blood pouring out over his t-shirt.

Knowing Levi would take care of Natasha, I rushed to Lennox’s side, kneeling beside him as all my training and ingrained skills took over. I lifted his t-shirt, looking to see where it was that she had got him. Just high enough on one side to have possibly damaged his intestines, or even his diaphragm.

“Tom?” came a pained muttering from Lennox.

“Shh, I’m here, we’re going to get you to hospital.” I smiled grimly at him as Levi restrained Natasha in a similar way to what she had done with Lennox. He emptied the bullets from the gun and put them out of her reach.

Once he was sure that any danger she presented had been taken care of, he came to my side and started to untie Lennox while I got some bandages from the first aid kit we had with us. We worked quickly and silently, freeing him from his binds, getting him more comfortable on the floor, and applying basic first aid.

Levi got on his phone. “Ambulance please. Hello. Yes, my name is Levi Marshall, I’m on scene with a gunshot victim... No, it’s not me, it’s the gentleman that I am in the personal protection detail of… Yes ma’am… Would the what3words location be the best? Uh huh… We are at composts.bookshop.excellent…. Yes ma’am. Brilliant, how long? Thank you. Yes, please, police also. Thank you.”

Levi looked at me as I pressed down hard on the still bleeding wound on Lennox’s torso. “Ambulance and police are on the way.”

I looked over my shoulder to where Natasha was sobbing quietly, her gaze remaining fixed on her favourite singer’s unconscious form. She glanced over at me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to, oh God. Oh God! He’s going to die, isn’t he?”

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Lennox, “Don’t listen to her, you’re staying right here with me,” I whispered over him as I swapped the blood-soaked dressing for a new one. “You’re doing great Lennox, you’re going to be just fine.”

I wished that I believed my own words. I was worried; he was still haemorrhaging and getting paler by the second. I was terrified that I was going to lose him before I got the chance to tell him what I really felt about him. What I should have been telling him all along—I was crazy about him and I wanted to see where all this could go. If he made it, I promised myself I would tell him exactly that, the first chance I got.



“Thanks for letting us know, Tom,” Alex replied when I called to tell him what happened. “And keep us updated on how he’s doing, won’t you?”

“I will. They’re hopeful he’ll make a full recovery, they’ll just have to keep an eye on him for a while and make sure that everything heals as it should.”

“Get some rest,” Alex insisted.

“Soon,” I promised, and with that we said our goodbyes. I went back to the family room as I waited for them to get Lennox settled in his own private room off the main ward.

Levi had handled everything with Natasha and the police, including telling them where to find Trevor. He told them everything we knew and they’d just have to wait to be able to talk to Lennox.