Page 30 of Love Notes

Natasha simpered her sickly-sweet grin at me and proceeded to remind me of just how much she had told me back then. She’d loved me, I was her first love, that she wanted me to be her first. I thought about how all of this happened before her winning the date with us, and how much that must have fuelled her delusions even further. To have had hugs from us – from me – time with me, photos with me. Christ, I wanted to be sick. The things that the record label had made us do to keep us in the good favours of the fans had only made everything a million times worse. I would never forgive them for any of this.



My phone rang about twenty minutes after Levi called the tech guys. “Talk to me,” I demanded Cathy, our IT chief.

“No other cars, nothing out of the ordinary on her banks. Same with him, no other cars. He did hire a car in Glasgow, though.”

“What? But they were in his car? Where is it?”

“Coming back into Glasgow now. I’m sending the tracking to Levi’s handheld now.”

“Brilliant! Cathy, I need more, they must have taken him somewhere.”

Levi was already on his feet with my car keys in his hand. “Let’s go and pay him a visit.”

We tracked him all the way to a hotel not far from the venue and kept out of sight until he disappeared up to his room. We gave him a few seconds and then approached. I pressed myself against the wall on one side of the door and Levi knocked. The door swung open, and Trevor was standing there looking grim.

My anger got the better of me and from my unseen position, I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pushed him back into his room, slamming him against the wall, Levi closing the door behind us.

“Where the fuck is Lennox?”

He held his arms up in surrender. “I don’t know!”

Pressing my forearm against his chest almost at his throat I growled in his face. “I know that you were with her, I know that you were the one that got him into the car with her. WHERE IS HE?”

“I don’t know! She said there had been a change of plan. I was supposed to go with her, she was only meant to talk to him.”

“Are you fucking insane?!”

“I didn’t think she’d do this.”

I pressed even harder on his upper chest and throat. “I should have fucking known that you were in on it. Tell me where she’s taken him.”

Trevor was pulled at my arm, trying to get me off him, trying to get air into his lungs. “You’re choking me!” He gasped.

“Boss,” Levi said calmly behind me.

“She told me that she just wanted to talk to him.”

“If she hurts a single hair on his head…” I let my voice trail off, leaving my threat unspoken.

“She won’t.”

Levi chimed in this time. “With all respect, mate, I’m not sure you’re really in the best position to make that kind of decision about all this. You have literally aided and abetted a kidnapping. What about any of that makes you think this woman is of sound mind?”

“She thinks she’s in love with him. He has been sending her all these fucking letters while she was a teenager. She needs to talk to him, she needs to understand that it wasn’t like that for him, and that she’s living in a fantasy.” Trevor bit at him.

“She’s not the fucking only one,” I snarled at him. “You thought this would get her in your good graces and that she would just come running back to you? It’s not fucking happening; I’m going to make sure she goes to prison for a very long time.”

I was finding it harder and harder to keep my temper with him. He had to know something. I was about to start into him again when my phone rang.

“What?” I barked without looking at the screen.

“She has property. She was left a lakeside cottage by a great-uncle when she was a child.”

“Where?” I barked again.