Page 32 of Love Notes

I went in the ambulance and then waited in the hospital for any news they could give me on how Lennox was doing. Being lured away from his side had meant that I hadn’t been there when they kidnapped him. I wasn’t about to leave his side now. There were too many things that had been left unsaid about what was developing between us. That wasn’t a mistake that I intended to make again.

As the light finally started to fade outside, I heard the voice that I had been waiting almost a whole day to hear.


I straightened in my chair at the sound of his voice and leaned closer to him, taking his hand in mine. “I’m here.”

“I had the craziest dream. I was running through the corridors of this big old castle, looking for you, but I couldn’t find you,” he murmured softly, still not completely conscious of his surroundings.

“I’m here. I’ve been here the whole time,” I reassured him.

“She didn’t kill me.” While it was stated as fact, I wasn’t entirely sure that he wasn’t also asking, just to make sure he could trust that he was still alive.

“She definitely didn’t kill you. I got there just as you were shot. Levi and I looked after you until you got to the hospital.”

“I knew you’d find me.” He smiled weakly, squeezing my hand back.

Looking in his bleary eyes, I made him a promise I intended to never break. “I will always find you and be there for you.”

Lennox grinned and fell back to sleep.

The next morning, Lennox was a lot brighter when he woke. I shouldn’t really have been allowed to stay, but Alex and Jonny had negotiated with the hospital that Lennox was to have security at all times.

“Morning.” He smiled at me, his face less pale than it had been for our conversation the evening before.

I gazed back at him warmly. “You’re looking better than you were last night.”

“Well, yesterday I was just getting over being shot, so I would like to think I’m looking better now.” He smirked cheekily.

“Oh, you’re definitely feeling better.” I grinned back. The return of his natural colour and his cheekiness made butterflies rise in my stomach. My heart felt like it was so swollen it would burst. “Before the nurses and doctors all come back in and start to fuss over you again, I have some things I need to say.”

Lennox shook his head. “It’s okay.”

I reached again for his hand, squeezing it. “No, I’m going to say this. I thought I was doing the right thing in putting whatever it was between us off until after the tour was finished. Your situation reminded me that sometimes the only right time for anything is in the moment, because you never know when you’re actually going to get another one.”

I moved myself to sit on the bed beside him. “There is something starting between us. Any fool could see it, and I’m sorry if I made you think that I didn’t want to be with you. That was wrong. I very much would like to be with you. You just make me damn nervous.”

He snorted a little as he replied. “I make you nervous?”

I nodded. “You do. I could very easily be myself with you. Let my guard down, trust you, want you. I’ve never done that with anyone before, not truly. I think my work helped me keep everyone at arm’s length and yet there you were right up against me.”

“Mmm, I did like being right up against you.” He smirked.

Shaking my head at his comment, I chuckled. “Really? Shot and in a hospital bed and you still can’t stop tempting me?”

Lennox rubbed over his side where his bandages now were. “Maybe I’ve learned that life is short and time is precious.”

“Maybe I have too,” I replied. For the briefest of moments, I was about to lean over the bed and claim his mouth with my own, but the door knocked, and a nurse entered.

“Someone is looking better this morning.” She studied Lennox and then shot a dirty look at me. “No sitting on the bed please, Mr Thatcher.”

“Sorry.” I smiled sheepishly and retreated to the chair where I had been parked the whole time that Lennox had been in the room.

She checked Lennox’s vitals, had a glance at where his wound was, and the condition of his bandages. She updated his charts, said the doctor would be around soon, and left again.

“For the record,” Lennox said with a smile, “I would like very much to see where things are going with you. I find you just as easy to be around. Just as easy to be myself without fear, or any front needed. It feels good, it’s addictive, and I would definitely want more.”

“Let’s do that then.” I grinned back. “We’ll get you better and out of here and see where all this leads.”