Page 33 of Love Notes

“Oh, I think you’ve got yourself a deal.” He grinned back as another knock on the door interrupted us.



The last month had been one hell of a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Being shot, surgery, recovery, telling the police everything that had happened the night I was kidnapped… And then there was Tom.

When I was released from hospital, Tom drove me all the way home. He offered me the choice of his house or mine, and I picked mine. I reasoned it would help me heal better to be in my own bed with my own familiar surroundings. He agreed, and he hadn’t left my side since.

I wanted to see where it all went for us, and I had to admit that even I had been pleasantly surprised by just how well he and I seemed to fit together in a domestic life.

Alex and Johnny had been brilliant. They had postponed the rest of the tour and had agreed that I could add in some extra dates too, to revisit some of the venues again now that I wouldn’t be fretting over the fact Natasha could have been in the crowd. That, and Tom had agreed to have his team stay on as my personal security for any time I’m on tour. Of course, I had to promise him that this time I would actually do what I was being told, and not just walk off with any stranger.

I could have hidden myself away, but after talking with the guys at the label and Tom, I decided that this event couldn’t be allowed to define me, to enshroud me in fear. She had been one very isolated person who had needed help when she was younger and never got it. That mental illness had grown unchecked and while it had almost cost me my life, it had also cost Natasha hers. So, this tour and future ones would still happen, I would keep doing what I really did love, but I would be careful about who I trusted in concert venues, and mindful of what Tom’s team would be telling me.

Tom had also discussed putting in security cameras on the outside of the house, though I had to admit, I was starting to suspect that might be to make Tom feel better than to actually help me. Natasha’s attack scared him. Mostly because at the time he had left things unsaid, but also because it had given him a glimpse of a life without being alone. He told me the thought of losing me was something he never wanted to face again.

The loneliness was something I didn’t want to have to face either. Life was richer with Tom in it. It was something that would be coming up soon however, because with every passing day I was getting stronger. I had healed up well, and I was sure that sooner or later, Tom was going to want to go home.

“I’ve been thinking,” he announced as I was playing about with my guitar, fiddling with some new songs I’d been working on.

“Christ, words to strike fear into any man.” I smirked. “Go on.” I laughed when he shot me a dirty look.

“Well, I have been thinking. Your recovery is going really well, and it’s getting to the point where I could probably move back into my place again.”

I braced myself for what was coming next.

“What if I just didn’t. What if I stayed here – long term.”

For a moment I just blinked, unsure if I had heard his words correctly. “You want to move in?” I asked for clarity.

Tom suddenly looked nervous. “I mean, yeah. If you’re okay with that, and if you’re not, then that?—”

“Yes,” I interrupted him. “Yes, I would really like it if you stayed. Life is better with you in it.”

Tom moved closer and sat on the edge of the coffee table in front of me, taking my hand in his. “Are you sure?”

“I like what we’ve done here over the last few weeks. I like how we gel together.”

“Me too.” He smiled back at me. “I’ve been thinking about something else too.”

I rolled my eyes, and he squeezed my hand a little tighter in response.

“I’ve been thinking that yours was the last case that I want to go out into the field on. What happened to you could just as easily have happened to me, and I don’t want that for either of us.”

A sense of relief washed over me. I hadn’t put much thought into the what ifs of Tom returning to work again, but I understood the risks that would have been involved if he did. I did worry that there could just have easily been an attacker out there ready to take him on, never mind what happened with me and Natasha.

“Could you really do that?” I asked, setting my guitar aside and leaning closer to Tom.

“To make sure that I get to come home safely and annoy you for quite some time to come? Uh, yes, I think I can.” He grinned cheekily.

I chuckled softly and pulled him close enough to capture his mouth with my own. I kissed him softly, and Tom sank to his knees from where he sat, deepening our kiss as he did.

“I think you should take me upstairs to celebrate this decision,” I whispered against his ear as he kissed along my neck.

He pulled back and looked at me with surprise. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

I nodded. While intimacy hadn’t been in short supply between us as I recovered, both of us finding alternative ways to pleasure each other, sex simply hadn’t happened. It wasn’t something either of us had needed to rush while I was healing, but right then seemed like the perfect time.