Page 113 of Broken Empire

Hesurprises me though when he wraps his arm around me.Heholds me, rubbing his hand up and down my back to calm me.Hesays his piece, andIlet him know thatIwas already coming home to him when all of this happened.Hehugs me tighter for a moment before easing his hold again.

IletHunterknow that his brother—well, our brother sinceI’mconsideringCartermy brother as well even though he’s not my blood, but he's family—is outside along withAdelaideandMaxcen.

Hegoes outside to talk with them asIcontinue to sit withGrayon the chair.Wesit there for a while in silence before the rest of the gang comes back into the room.Weall just sit and talk to pass the time.

Hunterbrings me food when it’s dinner time and even thoughI’mnot hungry, he reminds me thatI’meating for two other people now.So,Ireluctantly stuff the food down my throat.OnceI’mdone,Iget my brother’s attention.

“Hey, can you takeAdelaide,Carter,MaxcenandGrayhome?I’llstay withMason.”

“Umare you?—”

“Please.Ijust want to be alone with him for a while.”

“Okay.Noproblem butI’mstill going to have two of my guys stand guard outside the door so if you need anything just let them know and we’ll be back in the morning, okay?”

“Yeah, that worksMr.Worrywart.Thankyou.”Itell him and he pulls me in for a hug, giving me another one of his kisses on my forehead.

“Callif you need anything before morning,”Graytells me, giving me a hug as well.

Ialso get hugs fromAdelaideand the guys before they all leave.NowthatI’malone with himImove back toward his bed and take my shoes off before climbing in next to him.Thisis a big bed since it’s the private part of the hospital, so there’s more than enough room for the both of us.

Ilie down next to him and whenI’msetting myself properly so thatIwon’t disturb him,Inotice the bandages on both his arms.Lookingdown at my own scars,Iget choked up again becauseIknow what those mean.Hereally did try to take his life…

Thereality of that revelation sends pain shooting through my chest, my airway constricts andIhave to try really hard to calm myself down, soIwon’t have a panic attack.Iput a palm over his chest and touch his skin, feeling his heartbeat under my hand reassures me that he really is alive and he’s just sleeping.

Imove my hand and lay it across his stomach, hugging him asIsettle in for the night.IthoughtI’dhave a tough time falling asleep but feeling him next to me settles me and, in no time,I’mout like a light.

Iwake up to light caresses up and down my arm.Myeyes pop open andIsee that we’ve changed positions sometime last night.Myhead is now in the crook of his arm and he has his hand resting on me.Iquickly look up to see that his eyes are open and he’s looking down at me.

“Hi,”Iwhisper as tears fill my eyes.

“Hibaby,” he says, pulling me close to him and kissing me on the top of my head. “Thisis the sightIwant to wake up to for the rest of my life,Imean minus the hospital bed of course.”

Iquickly sit up in the bed and just stare at him. “Howcan you joke at a time like this!Ialmost lost you!”

“I’msorry,Ididn’t mean to joke.Comehere, baby,” he says whenIstart sobbing.Heholds me to him asIsob on his chest, thinking about everythingIalmost lost.

“Ilove you andI’msorry!Iwant to give us a second chance.Iwant to be with you for the rest of our lives,”Icry into his chest.

“Iguess it’s a good thingIdidn’t die then,” he jokes.

“Don’tmake me kick your ass!You’reruining the moment!”Igrumble whenIsit up again.

“Ilove you too, baby.Always.” he says with a boyish smile on his face.

“Beforewe go home,Iwant to make things right.Ihave a confession to make.”

“Whatis it?” he asks, with a bit of apprehension in his voice.

“I’mpregnant with twins.AndIlied.Thebabies are yours.Isaw a doctor inLondonand got checked out to make sure the babies were healthy.Ialso asked him to confirm the conception date.Igot pregnant way beforeAntoniotook me,”Itell him.

“Areyou serious?Twins?!Andthey’re really mine?” he asks with excitement in his voice as he brings his hand up to rub my baby bump.Hestops just before touching it and looks up at me.WhenIshake my head yes, he begins rubbing it with an awed expression on his face.


“Lookslike that placebo shotImade the doctor give you, worked,” he says to me with a huge smile on his face, and then to my belly, “Hibabies!It’syour daddy here andIcan’t wait to meet you.”

“Youdid what?!”Iyell at him.