Page 114 of Broken Empire

“Ihad to do whatIcould to win you back at the time, thoughIdidn’t foresee all this fuckery happening,”

“Assoon as you’re better,I’mgoing to kick your fucking ass!Howcould you?Weshould have discussed this, you idiot!”Igrumble.

“Areyou saying you don’t want to have my kids?” he pouts.

“I’malready pregnant with them!Ican’t do anything else but have them.”

“Hellyeah, you are,” he smiles.Grrr!Youknow, what?Newstart, new start, new start…

“I’msorry for lying to you and saying that they weren’t yours.IguessIstill wanted to hurt you.Andyou’re not a monster.I’msorryIsaid that too.IpromiseIwon’t be a bitch anymore.Thisis going to be a fresh start for us.Iwon’t bring the past up anymore, that is, if you’ll still have me.”Iwhisper that last part.Hepulls me to him again and kisses me.

“Ilove you so fucking much.AndIam sorry for everything.Iwant this to be a new start for us, too.Nomore hurting each other.We’regoing to look toward the future and enjoy it all with our family, friends and our babies when they get here.”

“Tothe rest of our lives,”Itell him as he pulls me in for another kiss.


Wespendthe rest of the morning just lying in the bed together while talking through things some more, so that we’re on the same page as we move forward.Wealso apologized again for hurting each other so much and we agreed to give our relationship a real second chance while promising not to do any dumb shit like this ever again.

Nomore doing anything drastic, like trying to hurt ourselves because we have children to think about now.We’recuddling the whole time and this is whatI’vemissed the most, just being able to lay in his arms without the outside world intruding on our moment.

Oncewe’re done talking through the rough stuff andIknow we’re going to be fine,Ifinally feel a wave of peace wash over me.

Thisfeeling is oneIhaven’t felt in a long time and it’s amazing to feel like this again.AndIknow… no matter what happens from now on,I’llalways have him by my side to go through it with.Forthe first time in ages, it finally feels like things are going to be okay and that’s allI’vewanted for a while.

Iwant to be happy and free.Iwant to be cared for.Butmost of allIwant the love he promised me all those years ago for the rest of my life.Iwant it all and it finally feels like it’s within reach once again.

“Areyou okay, baby?Ican feel you thinking really hard,”

“Yes.I’mjust happy and thinking about what our future is going to be like from here on out,”Itell him asImove my head from his chest to look up at him.

“It’sgoing to be a happy one.We’regoing to be happy,” he tells me as he gently rubs my stomach.Ifeel it flutter with butterflies or maybe it’s hormones, who knows?Buthis hand hasn’t left my belly sinceItold him about the twins and the fact that they’re his.

Ithink he might be happier than me.ThoughIstill want to punch him for messing with my birth control.Okay,I’mlying.I’mexcited to experience this pregnancy with him andIwon’t lie, it's such a relief that he’s their father and notAntonio.NotthatIwould love them any less if he was,I’mjust glad that the right person turned out to be the father.

“Iwant that,”Itell him with a genuine smile on my face.Hegoes to reply but stops when the door to the room opens and everyone steps inside.

Ilook at the time from the clock hanging on the wall and see that it’s eleven a.m.I’msurprised they even waited this long to come back.Ithought they would’ve been back here at the ass crack of dawn.

Evenmy father came with them.Hedoesn’t look surprised to see me andIfigureHunterorGraysonmust have already told him thatIwas back.Speakingof those two, they immediately make a beeline for the bed when they see thatMasonis wide awake.Ican see the relief on their faces, along with everyone else’s.

Iget off the bed to give those two time withMasebecause they look like they need it.I’msure they were just as scared asIwas at the possibility that we could have lost him yesterday.

Itwas definitely a miracle thatIrecognized the walls of the apartment or who knows how long it would have taken to actually find him and maybe we wouldn’t have gotten to him in time.Thethought that we could’ve been late makes my chest ache andIhave to constantly remind myself that he’s here and he’s alive and well.

Iwalk over to my dad and he must see the struggle on my face because he opens his arms for me.Ifall into them likeIused to, and he wraps me up in a big bear hug which brings tears to my eyes once more.Fuck!Ineed all these emotional days to go away because my heart can’t take it anymore.

“Don’tcry, sweetheart.Everything’sgoing to be fine,”Dadtells me as he rubs his hand up and down my back to soothe me.

“Iknow, butIwas so scaredI’dlose him.Scaredthat maybeIwaited too long.”

“Well, he’s going to be better soon so no more worrying.Thatcan’t be good for you sinceIhearI’mgoing to be getting some grandbabies soon,” he says cheekily.

“Whotold?”Iask, laughing through my tears.

“Well, you’ll see when you get home.There’sa surprise waiting for you there and it was obviously a dead giveaway,” he laughs.

“I’msorry.I’msorry for being mad at you and running away when you were just trying to keep me safe.Therewas no way you could have predicted that things would go down the way they did.”