BothHunterandIwork to calm her down as we all just sit there and wait.We’rein one of the premier private rooms so we can stay here as long as we want without anyone telling us to go or anything like that.
“Youshould go home and get some rest.I’msure the babies are making you tired,”Itell her butIforgot whoI’mdealing with here.Missstubborn as hell. “Idid hear babies, right?”
“Nope.I’mnot leaving here untilMasoncan come home with us.Andyes babies!We’rehaving twins!” she says andIsmile at her, kissing her forehead.Ihope things go smoothly from here on out becauseIdon’t thinkI’dsurvive another scare like that from either of them.
EarlierinLondon,I’ma wreck by the timeHunterhangs up the phone to go check onMason.Ineed to get home and fast becauseIdon’t know what the hell is going on.Idon’t even know if that was just a video or if he really would hurt himself, like said video implied.
I’mso fucking scared thatIwaited too long to work on things between us.ScaredthatIwon’t make it home in time.I’mso fucking scared thatI’lllose him for good because of my own stupidity and insecurity.
Ihope, pray, and beg that nothing happens to him becauseIdon’t know whatI’ddo if that happens.IthinkI’dbe lost for the rest of my life if he succeeds and isn’t it such a fucking wake up call to finally realize that whenImight be losing him?I’mon the verge of hysteria again whenIcallAdelaide.
“Heybabe, what’s up?” she asks, as she answers.
“Ineed your help!”Iblubber into the phone, sobbing once again.
“Calmdown babe.What’sthe matter?Whyare you crying?Iseverything okay with you and the babies?” she questions, sounding panicked.
“No,”Icry. “We’refine.It-it’sMason.He’sin trouble andIneed to get to him.Ineed to borrow your plane, please!Mineis at home, it’ll take too long to get here then back again.Acommercial one will take too long.”
“Hey, hey.Calmdown for the babies’ sake please.Thestress can’t be good for them.I’llbe over in a minute,I’mnot far away from the hotel andI’llcall my pilot,” she tells me.
Icollapse onto the couch once again and more sobs rack my body.Ifeel so helpless becauseI’mso far away andIhave no clue if he’s okay or not.Thenot knowing is killing me right now.
Ihear my elevator ping as it reaches the penthouse and a moment laterAdelaide,CarterandMaxcenstep off.Sheinstantly rushes over to me and engulfs me in a hug.It’sa good thingIgave her the code to my elevator a while ago because my legs feel too numb to move right now.
“Whatexactly is happening?” she asks a moment later.Igive her the quick rundown of everything and then she helps me get dressed. “Let’shead for the airport.Theplane should be ready by the time we get there.”
“Youguys don’t need to come.Idon’t want to keep you from anything,”Itell her while we’re all in the elevator.
“You’remy best friend and you’re pregnant, not to mention the stress you are under right now, so we’re going to make sure you’re not going home alone,” she tells me in a firm voice and who amIto argue with theMafiaqueen?
“Thankyou,” is allIsay instead.
Carteris on the phone while we’re in the car butIdon’t pay any attention to what’s being said or much else going on around me.Theonly thing my mind is on, is him.Thewhole flightI’ma worried mess,Iguess it’s a good thingIhave the company becauseIwould have definitely lost it and cried the whole flight ifIwas on my own.
I’mexhausted by the time we finally land inRavenwood.I’mstill worried even thoughHuntercalled and said thatMasonis going to be okay.Weall get off the plane andIsee we already have three cars waiting for us.
“They’restill at the hospital,”Cartersays to us as we get in and the driver pulls away.Weare all in one car, while one of the other vehicles takes the lead and the other tails us, as we make our way to the hospital.
Assoon as we get there,Cartertakes charge and asks forMason’sroom.Hegets all the info and we take the elevator up to his floor.Whenit opens up,Itake off at a sprint to find his room.
WhenIget to his door,Iquickly twist the knob and fling it open.Itbangs against the wall and my eyes land straight on the bed.IseeMasonlaying still on it, he’s hooked up to so much shit that my heart breaks at the sight of him.
Iinstantly burst into tears asIrush over to him.Ithrow my arms around him, being careful with the wires, asIhug him hard to me.Myface is in the crook of his neck asIcontinue to sob.
“I’msorry,I’msorry,I’msorry…”Ikeep chanting quietly, begging him to wake up, but he’s still unresponsive.Thisis all my fault and the weight of that just crushes me further, asIfeel my legs buckle from under me.
Ican’t lose him,Ijust can’t.NotwhenIhaven’t even set the record straight to let him know that the babies are his.Whythe fuck didIeven let him believe that they weren’t?Amoment laterIfeel hands on me and whenIturn around,Isee that it’sHunter.Hepulls me in for a hug andIcling to him asIsob some more.Myeyes are already swollen from the amount of cryingI’vedone already.
“Calmdown sis,”Hunterwhispers as he holds onto me. “Thinkabout the babies.Thedoctor assured us that he’s fine.Hejust needs the rest.Wegot to him in time.”
Iknow his words were meant to reassure me butIjust sob even harder.Fromguilt, relief?Ihave no clue but just hearing that he’s going to be fine eases some of the ache in my chest.
Amoment later he moves us and places me on the chair between him andGraysonandIcan’t even look atGray.Thisis all my fault.I’mthe reasonMasonresorted to wanting to take his life.WhatifGrayhates me now?Justthinking about that makes the ache in my chest return full force.