Blowjob or 'I love you'?

And of course, she had always gone for the former.

A blowjob only required Charlotte to open her mouth while the latter required her to open up her heart, which she had always found difficult, then...and now.

Charlotte waited expectantly for Sano to either ask for an explanation or give her his usual choices, but instead he politely told her he had a call to make. She had a feeling that was a made-up excuse, and all he wanted was some space, but seeing Sano walk away left her so stunned all she was able to do was gape.

Was that all he was going to say?


By the time she recovered from her shock, it was too late for her to say or do anything, with Yuki telling them it was time to head to Platform 7.5, and all she could do was follow behind the group while Sano ended his call and went on to talk about God-knew-what to Vassi and Seri.

She knew it was another ploy to prolong their time apart, and Charlotte was beginning to realize just how much Land had spoiled her during their marriage. Not once had he ever made her feel the need to apologize or even just woo him out of a bad mood, and the realization now made her feel like cringing in shame.

Earlier, Sano had described himself as being selfish in their marriage, but Charlotte was starting to think she had just been as selfish. Or at least, she had been so caught up with her own worries, and she had been so stubbornly proud, she had failed to see how much Land had spoiled her, just to make up for the times he had to leave.

The group finally reached Platform 7.5, which turned out to be another train station facility that was exclusive for passengers of theYume.There were women in uniform wearing cute hats waiting to welcome them, and a red carpet had also been laid out in front of Car #5, which served as theYume'son-board lounge.

It only took a couple of minutes for everyone to board, and then they were off, withYumecruising down the subway tunnels at a speed of over sixty miles per hour.

As soon as she got the keycard to her suite, Charlotte excused herself from the group so she could head down to the powder room...and give herself a pep talk.

Yumehad easily surpassed her every expectation, and it truly felt like a a hotel on wheels, with its tastefully luxurious interior and the wide selection of on-board amenities that it offered. Being one of its first guests was like a dream, could she feel any kind of happiness over this when Sano was obviously still upset with her?

Charlotte scowled at her reflection on the gilded vanity mirror above the marble sink.It's time to grow up,she told herself. She would no longer act like some horribly spoiled brat by waiting for Sano to come to her first. This time, she would be the first one to go after him, and if necessary, she would even...she would even try to actcute!

It was something that Land had always loved to tease her about, and he could go on and on just talking about how "cute" she was acting.Why are you so cute, Charles? You're too damn cute, Charles. Who taught you to be so fucking cute?

She had always believed Land was only saying such things to annoy her, but...whatever.Today, she would make a serious effort to act cute for him, so—-

Charlotte looked at herself in the mirror.

Let's do this!

She bit her lip like how she had seen other girls do—-


Charlotte yelped in pain as her lip-biting attempt ended up causing her to bleed, and she hurriedly yanked a tissue sheet off the box to wipe away the blood. She had always been secretly fascinated by how women seemed able to seduce men just by biting their lips, but maybe it was time to accept once and for all she was too much of a rough-and-tumble kind of girl to ever do it properly.

Fine then,Charlotte thought with a grimace. Since lip biting was off the table, then she could try...yuck, yuck, yuck.Merely imagining what she planned to do was enough to make her feel sick, but she told herself to suck it up and turned her attention back to the mirror.

Stop acting like a spoiled little brat and just do it!

Charlotte curled her hands into fists and slowly raised them up at chin level...before moving them like kitten paws begging for a treat."Meow?"

It was enough to make her gag, and while she was certain doing this for more than a few seconds could cause her permanent brain damage, Charlotte was already stalking out of the powder room in search for Sano. She was going to prove to him how much she loved him and—-speak of the Devil!

Charlotte skidded into a clumsy stop when she suddenly found herself face to face with Sano in the train's dining car, which served everything from A5 wagyu steak on stone grills to blowfishsashimion a conveyor belt round table. Her surroundings definitely deserved more than a cursory look, but right now all she had eyes for were Sano, and she was unable to tear her gaze away from him even as she shakily asked the waiter behind the conveyor belt to give them a moment alone.

The younger man said something in Japanese as he bowed before leaving, and she saw Sano's lips tighten when it was just the two of them alone. This was the longest time for them not to be on speaking terms, but the realization only made Charlotte feel even more ashamed.

She had been with him for over ten years before her husband...went away, and in all those years, Landon had never needed more than a few seconds before taking the first step to fix things between them. That was how much he had loved her, and so now, it was her turn—-

Charlotte bowed as low as possible. "I'm sorry, L—-Sano." It was her first time to directly call him by his name, and she heard him suck his breath in at the sound. "I'm sorry," she went on jerkily, "for never saying sorry in the past, and for always making you take the first step."

She waited for him to speak, but when he remained silent, she slowly straightened up, and her heart ached. His gorgeous face was still impassive, but Charlotte refused to let this get to her.