

"If that is how you feel about having children, then would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Charlotte started to laugh, but then she realized Lukas was being completely serious, and she ended up choking instead.

"At least give it some thought," Lukas cajoled, "before rejecting my proposal outright."

She shook her head. "I don't need to give thisanythought. I'm still in love with Land—-"

"That's fine," Lukas dismissed. "I didn't ask you to fall in love with me, did I? All I wish is for you to marry me—-"

Her brows furrowed. "Are you saying you're interested in a platonic marriage?"

"Given enough time and opportunity, I believe I'll be able to change your mind about that."

"Uh...no. You won't."

"Don't turn this into a challenge, Charlotte."

"I'm not," Charlotte protested.

"And yet it feels like you are."

The purr in Lukas' tone made Charlotte feel like she had suddenly turned into some kind of prey in the billionaire's eyes, and it nearly had her throwing her hands up in frustration.

"I'm reallynottrying to challenge you," she insisted. "Iswearit on my honor. I know you're gorgeous and sexy and—-and all the other stuff that women want, but youknowhow I am, Lukas. Land is it for me—-"

"And like I said earlier," Lukas drawled, "I don't mind that your heart will always belong to your first husband. All I want is the right woman in my life, and that's you."

Chapter Nine

CHARLOTTE'S MEMORIESwere proving to have the worst timing ever. As Sano wordlessly lifted her off his lap, Charlotte was reminded of the time Lukas first asked her to marry him, and the memory had her wincing...just as Sano set her back on her feet.

Blue eyes immediately narrowed on her expression, and Charlotte held her breath. In all the times she and Land would have a misunderstanding, he would always be the first one to ask for an explanation. And in the times when she was clearly in the wrong, Land had never asked that she apologized. It had always been Charlotte's failing, with her pride making it hard for her to apologize to Amelia, and later on to Landon, because they were the ones who had mattered the most. And because her husband knew this, he would always give her the same set of choices.