"Addie's text means nothing," she insisted, "just like Lukas hasnevermeant anything to me and never will, so please..." Charlotte looked at him entreatingly. "Please don't be mad anymore?" She waited and waited, but when Sano only continued to look at her, she told herself it was time, and so she slowly curled her fingers into fists like she practiced.

Oh God, oh God, this is already making me want to throw up, but here goes—-

She looked up at Sano with what she hoped were like kitten eyes full of appeal and moved her fists as she said,"Meow."

Sano's brows shot up.

"Meow, meow, meow.Please don't be mad any—-oooow!"

Sano was once again pinching her cheeks.

"Where the hell did you learn to be this cute?"

It was that line again, and a laugh escaped her even as her eyes started to sting. "Anime," she managed to tell him, and for some reason this had Sano groaning as he yanked her close. His arms wrapped around her, and even though he was hugging her hard enough to crack her ribs, Charlotte didn't care. She hugged him right back, and her eyes squeezed shut at how painfully familiar everything felt. The angles of his body were different, but theessenceof it remained the same. This was the man she loved, the only man she had loved and would ever love—-

"You're too cute, Charles. Always too damn cute."

She had never thought she would miss hearing him say such words, but she did. She had missed hearing them. She had missed him. So, so much. She had missed being with Land so, so much, and when she thought about how many hours they had left—-

"I want to kiss you so bad, Charles," Sano groaned under his breath.

It was enough to rid Charlotte of all of her inhibitions, and she found herself tiptoeing as she whispered into his ear, "Then do it. Take me to our room—-"

A powerful shudder rocked Sano's body. "Don't tempt me, Charles—-"

She wriggled out of his arms and took hold of his hand. "I mean it. And you can do more than kiss—-"


A gasp spilled past her lips as Sano grabbed her hand and practically dragged her with him as they left the dining car and walked briskly back to the front of the train.

"Now's the time to change your mind," Sano muttered. "Once I have you inside—-"

"You won't even have to undress me," Charlotte heard herself say even as her cheeks started to turn pink. "You can just f-fuck me—-"

Sano tripped over his own feet, and Charlotte couldn't help laughing despite her nervousness. Even though she knew Landon was Sano and vice versa, it was still another man's body that she would soon be intimate with, and the thought left her feeling out of sorts.

A part of her was frightened, another part of her was secretly and shamefully thrilled. It was like a fantasy coming to life, to have a stranger make love to her and feel no guilt about it, since Sano also happened to be her husband.

"Last chance," Sano gritted out when they finally reached their suite.

Charlotte answered this by using her own key card to unlock their door.

"God, Charles."

Sano had both of them inside the suite in a flash, and Charlotte didn't even have the chance to spare their surroundings a glance. As soon as he had kicked the door shut, Sano was already cupping her face, and the way his blue eyes glittered down at her had Charlotte catching her breath.

"Are you truly sure about this?" he growled. "I want our first time to be long and sweet, but if we do this now..."

Oh God.

Sano might have left the rest of his words unspoken, but her mind hadn't any trouble filling in the blanks, and oh, the things she were starting to remember—-

The erotic sound of her moans as they slipped out of her mouth...

The stroke of his tongue as it penetrated her mouth...

The thickness of his erection as it stuffed her mouth...