Pippa reached for the book and flipped to the cover page, signing “Emily, happy reading! Pippa Grant” followed by a heart.

“Thank you,” Emily said, accepting her book back. “I’m on the waitlist for my library’s Libby app to read U.I.W.L. I love your writing style and your characters.”

“I have a copy here if you want one,” Pippa said. She bent down and grabbed a book from under the table.

“Oh, I can’t afford to buy any more books today,” Emily replied with a frown, though she stared longingly at the paperback.

“That’s okay. This can be our little secret. Let me sign it for you,” Pippa replied before pressing the paperback into Emily’s hands. Emily accepted the signed book, as though she were accepting precious jewels. She felt tears spring to her eyes.

“Thank you so much,” she said, hugging the book to her chest.

“I hope you enjoy that series as much as you enjoyed my Twisted series.”

“If it’s your writing, there’s no way I won’t enjoy it. Happy writing,” Emily said. She waved as she stepped to the side to let the next fan greet Pippa. Emily pulled the book from her chest and looked at it with a broad smile on her face. She reverently set it and her Bro Code book into her tote bag, careful not to bend the cover or any pages in the process.

Emily continued wandering around the conference, looking for her next author line to join. She released a gasp of happy surprise when she saw a familiar face. Amy Anderson was standing at the end of one of the lines.

Emily hopped in line behind her and tapped her shoulder. Amy jumped and turned toward the touch before she released a loud squeal. “I was hoping we’d see each other today,” she said, jumping forward and pulling Emily into a crushing hug.

“I’ve been helping a friend with his table,” Emily explained, “but it slowed down, so I wanted to see some of the other authors.”

“I bet that’s been interesting,” Amy responded. “Having an author friend must come with perks.”

“Just the perk of his presence,” Emily said with a shrug. “Who are we in line for?”

Amy laughed, “We’re in line to see Emily Rath, who has a great hockey romance. Did you only join this line to see me?”

“Of course, I couldn’t walk away after I spotted you standing in line. Where’s Katherine?”

“She’s not feeling the best this morning. We stayed up much too late last night, so she’s having a lie-in and is going to join me for some pampering this afternoon before we head home.”

“I love the relationship you guys have. I can only hope I have that kind of relationship with my future in-laws.”

“It’s been an interesting road,” Amy responded. “But I wouldn’t change it for the world. My in-laws can be the sweetest, kindest, nosiest people in the world, but they’re my reason for living, along with my husband and kids.”

Amy and Emily continued to chat as they moved up the line. When it was time for Amy to greet the author, she grabbed Emily’s hand and dragged her along too. Both left the experience with a group photo and a newly signed novella continuation of Pucking Around.

“Keep in touch, will you?” Amy asked. She ripped a page out of her notebook and handed it to Emily. Emily glanced down at the paper and realized it had Amy’s name and phone number. Emily nodded and tucked the paper away in her new book, setting it in her tote bag with her other acquisitions.

“I’ll reach out soon. I’m so glad we were able to meet up again.”

“Bye,” Amy responded. “If we don’t see each other before the conference ends, safe travels.”

With arms a little heavier, and a heart a little happier, Emily started to make her way back to Miles’s table. She knew she had a goofy grin on her face, but she chose to ignore that. Emily’s shoulders shook in her excitement when she saw his table up ahead with several fans lined up to speak to him. She hurried over, happy to be reunited once again.

While Miles took a picture with the current fan, Emily set her pack of belongings off to the side with her purse and moved to the swag part of the table so she could take care of that for Miles. He’d pre-signed books for the swag bags to free himself to speak to the guests and take pictures with them during the signing, although he wouldn’t turn down custom signing requests if asked.

The last hour of the book signing flew by in a blur of customer service smiles, handshakes, pictures, and small talk. Emily breathed a sigh of relief when she realized they only had one fan interaction left before the signing ended.

A young woman came up to the table, and strapped to her back was the cutest little toddler sleeping like the dead. She stayed to chat for a moment, but when she realized the conference was over and others were leaving, she quickly hugged Miles and hurried off.

“Finally over,” Emily exclaimed, with a broad grin on her face.

“You handled this all exceptionally well,” Miles said. He walked over to Emily and wrapped his arms around her waist, loosely holding her in place.

“I had a pretty great partner in crime,” Emily replied.

“Thank you for all of the help,” he said. Miles bent closer slowly, giving Emily time to pull away, and then pressed his lips to hers.