“I suppose I can buy a signed book,” Vanessa replied. She walked away from Miles, leaving him to the next customer, and walked over to Emily.
“You’d like a book?” Emily asked, trying her best to be cordial.
“Of course you’re here doing the manual labor,” Vanessa mused. She looked Emily up and down. “Someone like you, so happy with menial labor, seems just the type to take another woman’s leftovers.”
Emily opened her mouth, then slammed it closed. She drew in a deep breath, trying to beat back the fury flowing through her. She put on the smile she reserved for the worst customers and said, “If you aren’t going to purchase anything, will you please step aside so I may help the next person?”
Vanessa smirked and rolled her eyes. “So quick to rid yourself of me because you know it’s all true. Just so you know, honey, I taught that man everything he knows. Nothing he does is just for you. Every time he pinches a nipple, runs his mouth across your clit, or holds you tight it was all because of me.”
Vanessa turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Emily standing in her wake, feeling bereft, insulted, angry, and everything in between.
Emily jumped when she felt Miles’s touch on her hip. She turned to face him, and he grabbed her chin, making her brown eyes meet his hazel eyes. “Whatever she said to you, don’t let it get in your head. Vanessa’s jealous and has a vindictive streak a mile wide. You’re amazing, and she just wants to tear you down.”
“How did you know she said something?” Emily whispered.
“Because I know Vanessa, and you were suddenly looking like someone kicked your puppy. Don’t let her get to you. She’s definitely not worth it.”
“Thanks,” Emily murmured. She leaned forward and hugged him, pressing her face into his chest for just a second. She pulled away with a blush and pushed him back to the table where the line of guests continued.
“You’re so lucky,” the guest who was waiting for Emily said as she returned, and Emily couldn’t help but agree. She didn’t know how she managed to get a guy like Miles even if for only a moment, but she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Emily continued to work until another fan asked for a photo with Miles. She took her phone and went to stand in front of the two. The fan placed her hand on Miles’s chest, right over his nipple. Emily tried to muffle her laugh, but that turned to a shocked gasp when the woman lowered her hand and attempted to grab Miles below the waist.
Miles jumped back and grabbed her hand, stopping it in its track. “Ma’am, I need you to keep your hands to yourself, thank you.” Miles released her hand and stepped back, popping behind the table to put a barrier between the two of them.
Emily handed the lady her phone. “It was just for good fun. Such a spoil sport about it,” she muttered and walked away, not getting any books signed or even apologizing to Miles.
Emily walked back to the table and up to Miles. “You okay?”
“I’m fine. That’s not even the craziest thing that’s ever happened.”
“Because of ‘Misery’ lady?”
Miles closed his eyes in thought and then turned to Emily, “No, actually. When I first started to become popular, my books with signatures were fairly rare, so they were selling for a lot online. I had one fan who stalked my airline flights and met me at the gate to try to get me to sign books. Another one found my address and came to my house to get them signed. These were people who wanted to profit with resale.”
“It’s terrifying that they could get that information,” Emily murmured. She glanced around the room, wondering how many people would go that far to get more information on their favorite authors here.
“It’s scary how accessible information is,” Miles agreed. “Thankfully it wasn’t too big a deal. They weren’t malicious, and it stopped when I asked them to stop, and when I stopped signing things outside of designated signings.”
The clearing of a throat pulled Emily and Miles from their conversation and they separated. Miles went back to his newest fan, and Emily went back to getting a signed book for the fan who’d finished their interaction with Miles. This continued for a while until the fans started to slow down.
Miles and Emily breathed a sigh of relief as the river of fans trickled to a narrow stream.
“Do you think you can handle it for a bit while it’s slow? I’d love to check out some of the other authors,” Emily said.
“Of course. I wasn’t planning to have someone here to help when I signed up for the conference. Go enjoy yourself.”
“I’ll be back,” Emily said. She grabbed her purse and an extra tote bag to carry any books she bought, in addition to the few personal books she brought to get signed.
Emily wandered the aisles for several minutes, looking at author booths and people-watching. She wandered until she reached the first table she wanted to stop at: Pippa Grant’s. Emily jumped behind the two people in line, bouncing in excitement. She loved the Bro Code series and brought her favorite book from that series with her.
Before she knew it, she was standing before Pippa, who had the happiest smile Emily had ever seen. She had a shining personality that made people gravitate toward her. It also helped that Emily had heard how good Pippa was to her fans, even staying hours after a signing to make sure every fan who wanted a signed book would get one. That impressed her.
“Hello,” Emily exclaimed. “I’m a huge fan of your Bro Code series.”
“I’m so glad you like the series,” Pippa responded.
Emily pulled the book out of her bag. “May I get this signed: to Emily, please?” She slid the book across the table toward Ana.