Emily jumped when a loud wolf whistle rang through the room, echoing in its volume. The whistle was followed by a shout of “get a room.” Miles and Emily pulled apart, Miles now bearing a smirk, while Emily bore a very red face.

Chapter 41

“Are you okay cleaning up on your own for a bit? I want to try to catch a last-minute author,” Emily explained.

“Go catch your author,” Miles said, giving Emily’s shoulder a playful shove.

Emily grabbed her bag and hurried through the tables toward the spot she remembered seeing Lucy Score and her never-ending line of fans. Lucy had just finished an interaction with a fan who was walking away, and Emily quickened her pace until she was standing in front of the table.

“Hello,” Emily said when Lucy looked up at her. “I really wanted to see you during the signing, but I was helping another author. I’d love for you to sign my copy of Finally Mine.”

Lucy smiled a wide grin. “I love seeing my fans. Of course I’ll sign for you.” She held out a hand for the book Emily grabbed from her bag. Emily felt like dancing as Lucy’s swooping writing covered the page.

“Thank you so much,” Emily said as she hugged it to her chest before carefully placing it in her bag with her other signed books then headed back to Miles and his booth.

As she rounded the corner, her world stopped. Miles was standing with Vanessa, lips locked in an embrace. Vanessa’s arms were around his neck, a heeled foot kicked up behind her. Emily didn’t wait to see more, but turned and hurried out of the conference room.

Of course she and Miles weren’t actually girlfriend and boyfriend. They started out fake dating, but her feelings were very real, and she thought his were as well. She had no reason to be hurt and jealous. They’d never talked about what they were. But she still felt that way. Pain cleaved her chest and her eyes wandered. She thought about returning to their shared room but she couldn’t handle the thought of seeing him, especially if he took Vanessa back to the room. Emily wandered through the hallways, looking for a place to kill a few hours.

She turned a corner and squeaked as her body collided with another. The two of them stumbled back. Emily shook her head, pulling herself out of her rampaging thoughts, and saw she’d just run into Katherine.

“I’m so sorry,” Emily said. “I was lost in thought. I should’ve been paying more attention.”

“Oh, it’s no concern,” Katherine replied. “It looks like you have a lot on your mind to work through.”

“It’s been a day,” Emily admitted.

“Well those days are always improved with good company. Come join Amy and me for some pampering.”

“Oh, I couldn’t intrude,” Emily said.

“You’re an Anderson now, remember? Of course it’s not an intrusion.” She pulled Emily into a hug and held on tight until Emily relaxed into her arms. “I won’t force you, of course, but we’d love the company.”

“I’d enjoy coming with you,” Emily said.

“That’s the spirit.” Katherine linked her arm to Emily’s and started toward the elevator. They went to the tenth floor, quite similar to the floor where Emily and Miles shared a room. When they reached Katherine’s room, she swiped the keypad and walked in.

“Emily, I didn’t think I’d see you again so shortly after the signing,” Amy exclaimed as Emily stepped into the room on Katherine’s heels.

Emily smiled awkwardly and lifted her hand in a little wave. She shifted from foot to foot in the doorway. Amy hurried to her and pulled her into a crushing hug. “I’m so happy you came with Mom,” she said in a whisper.

Emily allowed the Anderson women to drag her over to the beds, where they got comfortable and started coating their faces with the mud masks Amy packed away for the occasion. Slowly, Emily felt the tension and hurt fading away, replaced by love and acceptance.

“Now, why don’t you tell us what has you so sad this afternoon.”

Emily looked down at her lap, clasping her hands together and pulling at her fingers. “Well, there’s this guy I’ve been spending time with during the conference,” Emily started. She bit her lip, feeling tears prickle the corner of her eyes.

“It’s always a guy,” Amy and Katherine said together, eyes rolling in annoyance.

“We started out with an understanding of our relationship and who we are to each other, but I guess I thought it had changed. I feel differently about him now and he seemed to feel differently about me as well.”

Amy placed a hand on Emily’s shoulder.

“I went back to see him during the signing, and when I showed up he was locking lips with his ex-girlfriend. I don’t understand what happened.”

“I’m so sorry, darling. What did he have to say about this?” Katherine asked.

“I didn’t stay to ask him,” Emily admitted. “I couldn’t handle seeing that smug look on Vanessa’s face, and I didn’t want him to see how hurt I was.”