Spotted in the waiting area of the John Hanley Memorial Hospital emergency room last night, the on-ice partners shared a long, lingering hug and tender looks.
No word on who they were there to visit. Other than the typical end-of-season injuries, there has been no indication that anyone on the team is dealing with something serious.
Fellow teammate Nico Arents and his fiancé—former referee August Manning—were spotted enjoying lunch in Kensington Market earlier that day. Both looked healthy and happy just hours before the photos of Hale and Brewer were taken so we’re hopeful that all is well with Arents, who has been recovering from a brain tumor and is out for the remainder of the season.
Despite the difficult year for Arents and Hale, the team recently clinched a wild card spot. They’ll go head-to-head with their longtime rivals, the Montreal Lynx, in a battle for the conference title beginning next week.
In recent years, the Lynx have struggled but they’ve had a powerhouse of a season and may prove to be too much for the Fisher Cats.
Only time will tell but this developing relationship between long-time friends might just be the lucky charm this struggling team needs to clinch the title and move on to the next round.
Neither of the players’ agents have responded to our requests for information.
Felix shook his head and stepped away. “Oh yeah, because a hug in a hospital waiting room is conclusive proof that we’re in love. Their supposed logic is so fucking weird.”
Matty laughed and took his phone back from Jonah. “Seriously. How many times have we all done that when someone’s in the hospital? Hell, I’d have shown up and hugged the stuffing out of both you guys if I’d known Ji-min was in the hospital.”
Felix smiled and Jonah clapped him on the shoulder. “We know you would have, man. And trust me, we both appreciate it.”
“Is there anything you need?” Jordan asked, his tone earnest. “Anything we can do to help? I think Tasha, Elena, Birdie, and some of the other WAGs—uh, SAPs—are already working on food to drop off but if there’s anything else, let us know.”
Due to Charlie and August joining the ranks, the team had switched to referring to them as spouses and partners but, sometimes, guys forgot. They were just lucky Charlie wasn’t here. He’d given Felix some serious stink-eye the last time he slipped up.
“Oh, wow. That’s really nice of you,” Jonah said, letting out what sounded like a relieved sigh. “I appreciate that. The food should be plenty though.”
“I know you’re not super lactose intolerant,” Jordan said to Jonah. “But what about Ji-min?”
“Mildly.” Jonah waggled his hand. “She enjoys dairy sometimes but too much gets iffy.”
“I feel that,” Jordan said, brown eyes dancing with amusement. “Fucking white people and their cow juice.”
Felix and Matty laughed, taking the jab in good humor.
Jonah and Jordan were both biracial and this had been an entire topic of conversation around the dinner table one night shortly after Felix joined the team.
“Seriously,” Jonah agreed. “No five-cheese lasagna or anything for Grandma Ji-min but a little bit of dairy is no big deal. Either way though, we both appreciate the help. This will be way easier than convincing her to not push herself too hard. Frankly, the less work she has to do until they have a treatment plan the better.”
“When will that be?” Matty asked.
“Don’t know yet.” Jonah sighed. “The doctor is waiting to see how she responds to meds. After that, she’ll get some tests done and have another cardiology appointment.”
“Well, I mean it,” Jordan said earnestly. “We want to help however we can. I know it’s going to be tough during the playoffs but Tasha offered to drive Ji-min to appointments if necessary and I know the others would as well. We’ve got you guys covered.”
Jonah exchanged a look of relief with Felix and Felix felt that too. He couldn’t imagine trying to deal with shit like this without their support.
This was a hell of a team.
Vancouver had been good too but the Fisher Cats really seemed to be gelling in the past season or two, pulling together off the ice in a way that Felix appreciated.
The network of spouses and partners here was incredible. He idly wondered how much Whitney kept in contact with his former teammates and their spouses and partners. Probably not very much.
She’d always seemed a little apart from most of them, like she didn’t quite belong. It made Felix wonder if she’d always known that her career would lead to the end of their relationship. She’d loved him, he didn’t doubt that.
Maybe some part of her had known that it wouldn’t last forever. And maybe he should have realized that too.
Jonah tilted his head, giving Felix a quizzical look, like he’d sensed Felix’s dip in mood and Felix cleared his throat. “We could maybe make up a rotating schedule of duties. Loop in the SAPs and Grandma Ji-min’s friends and neighbors. I could make a spreadsheet and a group chat to get that rolling tonight.”
“You guys …” Jonah said, his face going soft. “I mean, I am going to chirp your ass so hard about the spreadsheets when I’m not feeling all emotional, Haler, but damn you guys are amazing.”