“Yeah. I got her settled in but before I left her place, we got into it about her staying there alone. I didn’t want to leave her to come here but she yelled at me that I needed to go play golf and celebrate Haler’s birthday. Clearly, I didn’t win that argument.”
“So what did you do?” Jordan Stokes asked, inspecting his clubs.
“We compromised. I came and played golf and she called the neighbor to come over.” Jonah glanced at Felix. “Hey, by the way, tonight I’m probably going to go there after dinner and spend the night there again. Honestly, maybe for a few days. You don’t mind, do you? I know today’s your birthday celebration and we usually watch movies …”
Felix could see the guilt written all over his face.
“No, that’s a good idea. We might as well both stay. I’ll need to grab a bag from my place at some point though. I’m still wearing your underwear from last night.”
Matty hooted. “Aww. Cute. They’re sharing underwear. That’s when you know the relationship is getting serious.”
“Yeah?” Felix shot back. “Did you wear Courtney’s panties a lot? You’ve certainly got the ass for it, bud.”
“No!” Matty turned red. “I just meant that’s probably what happens when two guys are dating, right?”
Felix shrugged, confused. “How the fuck would I know? I’ve never dated a guy.”
“Nah, just Jonah,” Jordan chirped.
“Hey!” Jonah said with a laugh. “Excuse you. No taking shots at my masculinity here. And may I remind you all, Felix and I have never dated.”
“Suuure,” Jordan said. “Whatever you say.”
“You just share underwear for funsies, then?” Matty shot back, ambling toward the first tee. “Wasn’t there some rumor about Hartinger and Murphy doing that?”
“Ehh, there were all kinds of rumors about them,” Jonah said. “I doubt most of them were true.”
The people ahead of them finally got the fuck out of the way so Jordan got in position to take his first shot.
“Besides, I think JockGossip would argue with you about the dating thing,” Jordan said as he eyeballed the lay of the green. “At this rate, they’ll have you two engaged in a week.”
“Oh fuck, what now?” Jonah asked with a groan.
Felix grimaced. They just didn’t let up, did they?
“Hang on. Let me pull it up,” Matty said. He grabbed his phone, did something on it, then held it out to Jonah.
Felix hooked his chin on Jonah’s shoulder so he could read along.
“Uh, boys, you do know the whole cuddling in public is only adding to the ‘we’re a couple’ rumors, right?” Matty said.
Felix shot him the finger without looking away from the screen. “Okay, Mr. Octopus McGee. You’re handsy as fuck when you start drinking.”
Matty sputtered. “I—”
The solid crack of a ball made them all lift their heads to watch Jordan’s ball sail through the air and land in the rough.
“Fuck,” Jordan grumbled. “If you three would stop squabbling like children I might have hit that better.”
“Oh!” Matty scoffed. “It’s our fault, huh?”
“Yes.” Jordan smirked at them.
Felix returned his attention to the screen. What ridiculous stuff had the trash blog come up with now?
Fisher Cats D-Men Share Emotional Embrace in Hospital
If Felix Hale and Jonah Brewer were hoping to beat the allegations about being involved romantically, they might want to skip the emotional displays in public.