Page 59 of The Waiting Game

Felix smiled. Jonah did love to tease him about his spreadsheets. But hey, they worked.

Matty hooked an arm around Jonah’s neck and shook him like a rag doll. “We love you and Felix, dude. And Ji-min! Even if she does scare me a little bit. Of course we’ve got you taken care of.”

“Hey, are you guys going to shoot the ball or are you going to stand around all day jawing?” someone yelled and Felix glanced back to see an annoyed-looking guy staring at them, waiting for his turn at the first hole.

“Sorry!” Felix called out. “We’ll get going.”

Matty hustled to take his shot as the guy grumbled, “It’s about fucking time.”

As they arrived at the sixth hole and Felix teed up, Jonah remembered something he’d been meaning to tell him.

“Oh, I have Tyson’s number, by the way,” he said, leaning on his club and watching Felix’s swing.

Felix’s shot went wide, landing in the middle of a sand trap.

“Holy fuck that was bad, Haler!” Matty called out, cackling, as he and Jordan waited for them to finish. “Were your eyes closed for that one?”

Felix flipped him off without even looking over. None of them were playing their best today but even Jonah had to admit that was a particularly bad shot for Felix.

“What?” Felix asked, squinting at Jonah in confusion. “I thought you weren’t interested in dating your grandmother’s nurse.”

“I’m not!” Jonah protested. “Grandma got the number for me.”

“Oh.” Felix snorted, laughter returning to his face. “Of course she did.”

“Love that woman,” Jonah said. “But she’s a menace.”

“I mean, you could ask him out,” Felix offered with a shrug.

“Ooh, ask who out?” Matty said, sidling up.

If anyone who was 6’3” tall and who weighed 250 pounds could sidle.

Sometimes Matty reminded Jonah of a Great Dane who had no idea what his size was and no concept that he wasn’t actually a small lap dog.

“Some nurse at the hospital,” Jonah explained with a roll of his eyes.

Matty looked confused. “I thought you were gay.”

Jonah eyeballed him. Matty was not dumb but sometimes he did a really good impression of someone who was. “I am. There are male nurses, numb nuts.”

“Oh.” Matty shot him a sheepish smile. “True.”

“Well, is he hot?” Jordan asked as he strolled up.


“The nurse,” Felix said just as Jonah answered, “Tyson.”

“Oh, Tyson, is it?” Jordan waggled his eyebrows.

Jonah looked up at the sky. “I hate you all.”

“That’s not true,” Matty said cheerfully. “We all know you love Felix.”

Jonah huffed. “Less and less with every minute that passes during this conversation.”

“I’m wounded,” Felix said. “I haven’t said anything.”