Felix shrugged. “Well, I want to see what you’re into.” Also if things went the way he hoped, they were going to be having some gay sex eventually so … he didn’t really see what the difference was.
“It’s nothing special, really. Just a couple of guys fucking.” Jonah’s swallow was audible.
“Then why won’t you show me?” Felix reached for the tablet on the nightstand where he’d left it earlier. “I could log in and check for myself.” He knew Jonah’s password. It would be easy.
But he’d never do that without Jonah’s permission.
“Then do it,” Jonah said, something almost defiant in his voice as he walked closer, stopping beside the bed.
So Felix did. He found the latest video in Jonah’s browser history then watched it for a few moments. He didn’t bother to turn on the sound. It would just be cheesy dialogue anyway. Felix hadn’t exactly watched a lot of gay porn in his life but what he had watched? Yeah, the acting was just as bad as straight porn.
At first though, the guys were just talking. Well, that’s boring.
Felix skipped forward several times but he couldn’t figure out why Jonah was being so secretive and weird about this.
It was just two guys having sex. Hot sex. But nothing wild at all.
Felix wondered if it was telling that the video was labeled Roommates. First time.
And Felix’s breath caught when he considered what the guys looked like. A redhead and an Asian guy? Really, Jonah?
Privately, Felix thought he was hotter than the one guy in the video and he knew Jonah was hotter than the other one, but it really did raise a lot of questions.
“Huh,” Felix said. He set the tablet aside and stepped forward. “Interesting.”
“What is?” Jonah licked his lips.
“Mmm, I’ll tell you in a minute. Take off your shirt and shoes, Jo. Relax. I’m the one who should be acting like a nervous virgin here, not you.” Felix rummaged in Jonah’s nearby bag and found the bottle of lube he’d stashed there this morning.
Jonah rolled his eyes, but he kicked his shoes off and tossed his tee onto the chair by the window.
With a little smirk, Felix planted his hand in the middle of Jonah’s chest and pushed him down onto the bed. Jonah bounced once on the firm mattress, looking up at Felix with a surprised expression.
Felix straddled his waist. Not quite over Jonah’s cock but not far.
“So why are you watching interracial porn, Jo?” he asked. They’d talked about it before. That it could be weird and fetishistic sometimes.
“Not all of it is inherently bad,” Jonah protested, his breath rising and falling.
Jonah’s ribs expanded and contracted against his inner thighs.
“It just depends on how they present stuff. Besides, sometimes it’s just nice to see someone who looks like me in porn, you know?” Jonah muttered. “Not some nerdy, shy Asian stereotype but as the hot, sexy guy.”
Felix studied Jonah’s face. “You want that?” he asked curiously. “You want to know someone finds you sexy?”
“Well, yeah,” Jonah said, wetting his lips. “Who doesn’t?”
But all Felix could think was, who wouldn’t find Jonah sexy like this?
“I think you’re sexy,” Felix whispered as he propped himself on one arm, leaning in until their mouths were just inches apart. “And anyone who doesn’t see that about you is stupid. They must be blind because fuck, Jonah.”
“You mean it?” Jonah rasped.
Felix rocked his hips, letting the jut of his cock brush against Jonah’s abs. He wasn’t hard, but he definitely wasn’t soft either. Not after thinking about him and Jonah doing the things the porn actors were doing in the video. “You really doubt me? Doubt this?”
“No.” But the words sounded strangled.
Felix chuckled.